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Gabriel - Islam Guidance

  • Charity Changes People

    Ibn Abbas has commented on the above-mentioned event, saying about the following holy verse:
    Men whom neither merchandise nor selling diverts from the remembrance of Allah and the keeping up of prayer and the giving of poor-rate; they fear a day in which the hearts and eyes shall turnabout; That Allah may give them the best reward of what they have done, and give them more out of His grace; and Allah gives sustenance to whom He pleases without measure(24:37-38).
    He says: The occasion of the revelation was that one day the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) gave Ali (A.S) three hundred dinars, which they had given to him as gift. Ali (A.S) said: I took the money and said to myself by Allah, I will give such a charity with these dinars that Allah will accept. When I completed the night prayer with Allah’s Messenger, I took a hundred dinars and left the mosque. On my way, I came across a woman to whom I gave one hundred dinars. The following day, people said, “Ali (A.S) has given charity to a corrupt woman!” It was a great sorrow for me.
    The night of that day, I performed the night prayer, took a hundred dinars in my hand, left the mosque and said to myself, “By Allah! I will give a charity, which will be accepted by my Lord. I saw a man and gave away the one hundred dinars to him.” The following day, the people of Medina said, “Ali (A.S) has given away a hundred dinars to a thief.” Again a great sorrow came to me but said to myself, “By Allah! I will give a charity tonight that Allah will accept from me.”
    So, I performed my night prayer with Allah’s Messenger and then left the mosque having a hundred dinars with me. I saw a man to whom I gave the money. The next day, the people Medina said, “Last night, Ali (A.S) gave a hundred dinars to a rich man.” Again, a great sorrow came to me.
    I went to Allah’s Messenger and told him the event. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said: O Ali (A.S)! Gabriel says to you: Allah has accepted your charity and purified your acts: The one hundred Dinars you gave as charity was put at the disposal of a corrupt woman who repented to Allah and used the money as earnings for her living. She also intends to get married with this money.
    The charity of the second night went to a thief who repented thereafter and used the money for running a business. The charity of the third night went to a rich man who had not paid alms (Zakat) for years. He went home and blamed himself saying, “How miser I am! This is Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S) who gave away a hundred Dinars to me while he has nothing whereas I am a rich man who has not paid his obligatory alms (Zakat)!” So, he reckoned his alms (Zakat) and put it aside. It was for this reason that Allah revealed the above-mentioned verses.
    (Al-Manaqib: 74/2)

    Taken from: Imam Reza.Network

  • Crying and wailing for Imam Hussain (A.S)

    Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) wept whenever he was foretold the tragedy that would befall on Hussain (A.S) and his companions.
    Musnad Abu Ya'la Mosuli, Volume 1 page 298 Hadith 363:
    Abdullah ibn Naji narrated from his father who said: ‘I went with Ali, they faced Nainawa as they were going to the battle of Siffin then Ali called out and said: ‘O Aba Abdullah, have patience, O Aba Abdullah have patience on the bank of the Euphrates’. I asked: ‘What do you mean by Aba Abdullah’? Ali replied: ‘One day I went into the room of the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) whilst his eyes were gushing with tears, I therefore asked of him: ‘O Prophet, has someone angered you? What makes your eyes gush with tears?’ He (P.B.U.H&H.P) replied: ‘Gabriel has just left me; he (Gabriel) told me that Hussain will be killed on the banks of the Euphrates River. Gabriel then said to him (P.B.U.H&H.P): ‘Shall I let you smell its soil (wherein Hussain will be killed)? I said: ‘Yes’. So Gabriel extended his hand and presented a handful of the soil and gave it to me, I was then unable to prevent my eyes from gushing into tears’’’.

    We also read in Musnad Abu Ya'la Mosuli, Vol 6, p 129, Hadith 3402:
    Anas bin Malik said: ‘The angel of rain asked permission from his Lord to visit the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) who granted permission. On that day the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) was with Umm Salama. The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) told her: ‘Guard the door and do not let anyone in’. While she was at the door, Hussain bin Ali burst into the room, so the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) began to hug and kiss him. The angel said to Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P): ‘Do you love him?”. He (P.B.U.H&H.P) replied: ‘Yes’. The angel said: ‘Your nation will kill him. If you wish, I can show you the place wherein they will kill him’. The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said: ‘Yes’. So the angel took a handful of soil from the spot of his (Hussain’s) murder and showed it and it was Sahla or red soil’. So Umm Salama took the soil and put it in her clothing’.

    Al-Albaani records a ‘Sahih’ Hadith:
    Gabriel came to me and informed me that my nation will kill my son Hussain. I asked: ‘This Hussain?’ He (P.B.U.H&H.P) replied: ‘Yes’ he then brought me some of its soil that was red. Narrated by Lubaba bint al-Harith that she went to the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) and said: ‘O Prophet, I have seen an unclear dream tonight’. He (P.B.U.H&H.P) asked: ‘What is it?’ She replied: ‘I saw that as if a part of your body was cut off from you and was placed upon my chest’. He (P.B.U.H&H.P) said: ‘You have seen something good. Inshallah Fatimah will bear a baby boy and he will be upon your chest.’ So Fatima gave birth to Hussain and he was on my chest as the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) had notified me. On one day I went to the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) and put Hussain on his chest then he turned his face to the side and I witnessed his (P.B.U.H&H.P) eyes flowing with tears. I asked: “Prophet of Allah, my parents be sacrificed for you, what is wrong?” he (P.B.U.H&H.P) then mentioned it (the above hadith).
    Silsilah Al-Ahadith Al-Sahiyah, Volume 2 page 462 Hadith 821.

    We can see from these traditions that Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) was foretold about the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (A.S) on three separate occasions, by three different angels. Upon being notified of the tragic demise of his grandson, Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) broke down into tears, distraught at what was to become of him. On none of these occasions did Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) appear impassive and motionless at the news, his emotions overtook and his eyes were filled with tears when he was notified of what harm would befall his grandson (A.S). If Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) cried so profusely at the news of what was to happen to his grandson in the future, can one imagine his state would be on the Day of Karbala, when Hussain (A.S) was showered with arrows, his head decapitated and horses trampled over his body? This proves that crying when hearing of the suffering of Hussain (A.S) is a tradition (Sunnah) of Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P).
    The tradition can also be read in:
    Al-Sawa'iq al-Muhriqah, page 641

    Derived from Shia Pen.

  • Hazrat Ibrahim and the Old Man

    In the Middle East there is a land known as Palestine. Long before, in this land there lived a very great prophet. Prophet is a messenger of Allah. He has been chosen by Allah Himself to teach people religion, good thoughts and good deeds. The name of this great prophet was Hazrat Ibrahim. (He is also known as Abraham in the Bible). He had come to Palestine from Iraq.
    Hazrat Ibrahim was very fond of guests. He liked to invite guests to his house. He was good to travelers. He took them to his house and gave them food to eat and bed to sleep. This good quality of his is described in the Qur'an.
    Every morning Hazrat Ibrahim stood by the main road near his house and waited for travelers to pass. As soon he saw them he invited them to his house to be his guests. Hazrat Ibrahim liked this good deed very much. It pleased him to make other people happy and comfortable. Thus, Hazrat Ibrahim would everyday bring home one guest at least. If he came across no traveler even for a day he would become unhappy. Without having a guest, he would not touch food himself.
    Once it so happened that no traveler passed that way for three days running. This, naturally, upset Hazrat Ibrahim. It made him sad. Without having a guest on his table he would not eat. Each morning Hazrat Ibrahim went to the main road hopefully. He would strain his eyes far away to the horizon. Yet no traveler was to be seen. Each evening he would return to his home disappointed.
    Three days passed. One morning an old man appeared on a camel. Hazrat Ibrahim was happy. He invited the old man to his home to eat with him the old man accepted the invitation.
    In the house they set to eat. Hazrat Ibrahim recited “Bismillah (In the name of God)” before taking the food, but the old man did not say anything. Hazrat Ibrahim asked why he did not remember Allah before taking his meal. Was not Allah our Creator, our Nourisher and our Master? Was it not proper to remember Him before partaking of the food provided by Him?
    The old man said that it was not the custom in his religion. Hazrat Ibrahim asked him what his religion was. He said that he was one of those who worship fire.
    Hazrat Ibrahim was very much annoyed and turned the old man out.
    As soon as the old man went away, the angel Gabriel came to Hazrat Ibrahim, from Allah. Gabriel told Hazrat Ibrahim that Allah had been feeding this unbeliever person for seventy years. Could not Hazrat Ibrahim tolerate him for even one meal! Hazrat Ibrahim felt very sorry for this. He immediately ran after the old man. Finally he reached him and persuaded him to return to his house to have food together. He finally succeeded in getting the old man to his home.

    1. However good you may be, it does not give you right to judge other persons.
    2. You should always seek the forgiveness and pleasure of God.
    3. Always entertain and please a guest.

    Source: Al-Islam.org

  • Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) ordered by Allah (S.W.T) to recite the merits of Imam Ali (A.S)

    Imam Baqir (A.S) narrates from the Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P):
    Gabriel came to me and said:
    Allah has ordered you to give a speech about Ali bin Abi Taleb's virtues in front of your companions so that they can narrate it to others. Allah has ordered all of the angels to listen to your speech. Allah says that those who disobey you by not following Ali will go to Hell, and those who obey you will be rewarded with Paradise.
    So the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) called for prayer and when people gathered, the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) went on the pulpit and he started by saying:

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    O people! I am the bearer of glad tidings and I am the Warner. I am the Prophet from Mecca.
    Allah has ordered me to tell you about a man whose flesh is from my flesh and whose blood is from my blood. He is the keeper of knowledge. He is the one whom Allah chose from this nation and appointed as the Wali.
    Allah has created the two of us together. Allah elevated me above all people by honoring me with prophet hood and Allah elevated him above all people by appointing him as my successor.
    Allah made me the city of knowledge and made him the door. Allah chose him as the keeper of knowledge with which he defines the rules.
    Allah has chosen him as my successor and Allah has revealed his status to everyone.
    Allah has warned his enemies and Allah has brought his followers closer to Himself.
    Allah has forgiven his Shia and Allah has ordered all of the people to obey him.
    Allah says that those who are against Ali are against Allah and those who disobey Ali disobey Allah. Those who hurt Ali hurt Allah and those who hate Ali hate Allah. Those who love Ali love Allah and those who desire Ali desire Allah. Those who conspire against Ali conspire against Allah and those who support Ali support Allah.
    O people! Listen to my orders and obey me. I am warning you of Allah's punishment:
    [(Remember) the day when every soul shall find present whatever it has done of good and whatever it has done of evil; it will wish there might be a wide interval between it and that (evil), Allah warns you to beware of Him; and Allah is affectionate to His faithful servants] (3:30).
    Then the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) took the hand of the Commander of the Believers, Ali ibn Abi Taleb (A.S), and said:
    O People! He is the Master of the Believers and he is Allah's decisive argument on His entire creation. Ali is the fighter of the as.
    O Allah! I have announced it! And these are your slaves and you have the power to reform them, so reform them with your mercy, for You are the most merciful.
    I seek forgiveness for myself and for you, O people.
    Then the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) descended the pulpit.
    Gabriel came to the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) and said to him:
    Allah conveys His Salaam to you and says, "I will reward you for what you have announced. You have fulfilled your duty of prophet hood. You have advised your nation. You have pleased the believers and you have constrained the pagans. O Mohammad! Your cousin will be made to suffer and people will suffer with him. O Mohammad! Say at all times, [Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. And soon those who deal unjustly shall know as to what an evil turning they shall be turned] (26:227).
    [Source: Basharat ul Mustafa Le Shiyyat e Murtuza, Chapter 2, Hadees 52 / Amaali of Sheikh Mufeed 76,346]

    Taken from: Marefate AhleBait (A.S).com

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