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Haraa Cave - Islam Guidance

  • Descent of the first revelation (Wahy)

    Shiites commentators believe that Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) was appointed on 27th of Rajab , five years after the rehabilitation of Kaaba. He was forty years old at that time.
    Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) had come to Haraa cave as usual to say prayers and meditate . On 27th of Rajab, Gabriel (one of the four superior angels who was ordered by Allah (S.W.T) to convey revelation to prophets) descended to him. Gabriel shook Prophet Muhammad's (P.B.U.H&H.P) arm and said: "O Muhammad! Read!" He replied:" What shall I read?" Gabriel recited the beginning verses of Chapter (Surah) al-Alaq:
    "In the name of Allah, the compassionate, the merciful. Read in the name of your Lord who has created. Has created man from a leech [Spermatozoa]. Read and your Lord is the most honourable, who taught (to write) with the pen; taught man what he knew not."
    Some great events happened at the time of Prophet Muhammad's (P.B.U.H&H.P) appointment. For instance, a groan was heard. Imam Ali (A.S) says about that: "I heard Satan's groan when the first revelation was descended. I asked the Prophet: "What was that?" He answered: "it was Satan, who got disappointed by not being obeyed." He also said: "You hear what I hear and see what ever I see; except you are not a prophet. You are my assistant and you will never leave the right way."
    As mentioned before, Imam Ali (A.S) accompanied Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) in different cases such as his seclusion periods. This narration, written in Nahj al-Balaghah, implies that he was with Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) when revelation was descended for the first time. It is inferred through the history that he was the only person with Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) at that time. Nobody else has claimed to be with Him then.
    Gabriel ascended after conveying revelation and accomplishing his job.

    Return from cave Haraa
    After this revelation, Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) returned to His home in Mecca. When he arrived home, he explained the story of his appointment to his wife. Khadijah (S.A), who had recognized the Prophet's (P.B.U.H&H.P) dignity and truthfulness for years, said: "By God, it is a long time that I have been waiting for this very day; and I was hoping that one day you would become the Leader and the Messenger of these people."

    The descent of Chapter (Surah) al-Muddathir
     In the first days of Prophet's appointment, while he was resting, Gabriel descended and read the first verses of Chapter al-Muddathir.
    This Chapter of the Holy Quran contains verses, which say that from then on, the Prophet had to pay all his attention to warn people to obey Allah (S.W.T). Therefore, the first verses of the Holy book of Islam were revealed to Prophet and he was assigned to be the Messenger of Allah (S.W.T).

    Ref: Islamic Roshd Website

  • Yazid Ibn Muawiyah

    How on earth can these traditions apply for a beast like Yazid Ibn Muawiyah, who Fought against and mercilessly martyred Imam Husain (A.S), his family and friends Was a transgressor who committed sins publicly and announced his disbelief freely becoming a part of the renowned poems of Ibn al-Zabari, which he (Yazid) recited in joy when the severed head of Imam Husain (A.S) was brought to him.
    He was the one who ordered Muslim Ibn Aqabah to kill and plunder the people of Madinah on three occasions. During these attacks, he killed a number of companions and the city of Madinah was totally ransacked. It was during these attacks that more than 1000 Muslim virgins were raped and whenever a Muslim from Madinah offered his daughter in marriage, he did not guarantee her virginity saying, perhaps, she has lost her virginity during the Tragedy of Haraa. It is said that four thousand illegitimate children were born after this incident. Muslim, in his Saheeh, reports that the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P) warned, whoever frightens the people of Madinah, Allah will frighten him and upon him is the curse of Allah, the angels and all mankind. [Murooj al-Zahab, vol. 3, pg. 69.]
    Waaqedi narrates on the authority of Abdullah Ibn Hanzalah, By Allah! We did not visit Yazid but that we feared a stone falling on our heads from the sky (as a divine punishment) because he was a man who married his mothers, daughters and sisters, drank wine, did not pray [Taarikh al-Khulafaa, pg. 209] and he is the one who had ordered the attack on the Holy Kaaba.
    Suyuti and others report on the authority of Nawfil Ibn Abi al-Furaat, I was with Umar Ibn Abd al-Aziz, when a person while mentioning Yazid, said, the chief of the faithful, Yazid Ibn Muawiyyah. On hearing this, Umar Ibn Abd al-Aziz (became angry) and asked, you call Yazid as Ameerul Momineen? And ordered that he be whipped 20 lashes. [Al-Sawaaeq al-Mohreqah, pg. 219, printed at Cairo; Taarikh al-Khulafaa, pg. 209, printed at Egypt.]
    It is mentioned in Al-Sawaaeq that it was said to Saad Ibn Hassan, The Bani Umayyad claim that the caliphate is among them. He retorted, the sons of the blue-eyed (referring to Hind the wife of Abu Sufiyan) are lying. They are mere kings; nay, the worst of kings.

    Taken From: Serat Online

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