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Abu Bakr - Islam Guidance

  • A Brief Look at Saqifah

    The Muslims of Medina were of mainly of two groups: the Ansar (the ‘helpers’ natives of Medina) and the Muhajirin (the immigrants mostly the Qurayshi who migrated from Mecca). The Ansar themselves consisted of two tribes: the Aws and Khazraj who were enemies of each other in pre-Islamic days.
    After the Prophet's death and even before his burial, the Ansar gathered in Saqifah and proposed to declare Sa‘d bin Ubadah (an Ansari from the tribe of Khazraj) as the new leader of the Muslims. Some among them started a discussion about how should they respond if the Qurayshi disputed with them in the issue of leadership.
    While this discussion was going on among the Ansar in Saqifah, Umar ibn Khattab (a Qurayshi Muhajir) was informed about it. He sent for Abu Bakr who left the Prophet's body and joined Umar. In Saqifah, Abu Bakr gave a speech in which he exhorted the virtues of the Muhajirin and proposed that the leader should be from the Muhajirin. He ended his speech as follows: “So we are the rulers, and you are the ministers and the counselors. We will not do anything without consulting you.”
    Habab ibn Mundhir, an Ansari, stood up and said, “O Ansar, beware! Take the reins of government in your hands; for the people [i.e., Muhajirin] are under your protection, no one can quarrel with you. Do not fall out between yourselves, so that what you do is ruined.”
    Umar, a Muhajir, responded: “That can never be! The Arabs would never submit to your rule; they will not yield, for the Prophet was not from you.” Then very heated words were exchanged between Habab and Umar.
    In the middle of all this chaos, Umar swore allegiance to Abu-Bakr. Then Bashir ibn Saad, leader of the Aws tribe of Ansar, swore allegiance to Abu-Bakr. Seeing this, the other Ansaris of the tribe of Khazraj also pledged allegiance so as not to lose favor in the eyes of Abu-Bakr against their rival Aws!
    This is the basis of Abu-Bakr's caliphate.

    Ref: Alhassanain.com

  • All sins on Abu Bakr and Umar


    “These two will have the burden of the errors of the entire ummah and surely all the blood that is shed till the Day Of Judgement, the wealth that is consumed unlawfully, the raping of women and the command that is forced – these all will be on these two without any decrease in the sins of the doer.”
    Ammar said: “O the commander of the faithful, tell us the names of these two so we can curse them.”
    He asked: "O Ammar do not you bear friendship with the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) and keep away from his enemies?”
    Ammar replied: Yes. So he (A.S) said, ‘And do you keep friendship with me and keep away from my enemies?’ He replied: Yes
    So he (A.S) said: “O Ammar that is enough for you. You kept away from them both and have cursed them both, although you do not know their names”
    Ammar said: ‘O the commander of the faithful, if you tell the names of both of them two your companions, then they would keep away from them and this was better than leaving.’
    Imam Ali (A.S) said: “May Allah have mercy on Salman, Abu Dhar and Miqdad. They know these two so well and keep very much away from them and curse them.”
    So Ammar requested : ‘O the commander of the faithful, may I be sacrificed for you, tell us the names of those two because we bear witness that we bear friendship with those you bear friendship and keep away from those you keep away.’
    Imam Ali (A.S) replied:
    “O Ammar, at that time my companions will be killed and my community and my army and the large gathering that you see around me will separate from me. O Ammar, whoever kept friendship with Moses and Aaron (Haroon) and kept away from their enemies, he also kept away from the Calf and Samree and whoever kept away from the enemies of both of them, he also kept away from Moses and Aaron (Haroon) in such a manner that he does not even know. O Ammar, whoever kept friendship with the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) and his Ahlulbait (A.S) and kept friendship with me and stayed away from my enemies, then he kept away from both of them. Whoever kept away from their enemies he kept away from the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) in such a manner that he does not even know”
    [Source: Kitab Sulaym bin Qays al-Hilaali Hadees 67]
    Reference: Marefate AhleBait (A.S).com

  • Caliphate after the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P)

    Abu Bakr, son of Abu Quhafa, was the first caliph after the Prophet's demise. There are differing views on his name being either 'Abd Allah or 'Atiq. Apparently, many individuals have insisted on saying that his name was 'Abd Allah but he had previously been called 'Atiq. He belonged to the Banu Taym tribe, one of the tribes of the Quraysh.
    During the Dark Age, this tribe maintained minimal special standing among the other tribes. This claim is evidenced by Abu Sufyan's words once Abu Bakr assumed power. He said, “How come the government has fallen to the least populated and meanest tribes of the Quraysh?” [Abd al-Razzaq, al-Musannaf, vol. V, p. 451; Mustadrak, vol. II, p. 78]
    There is a story that one day, Abu Bakr was speaking with Dhaghfal about his lineage and both agreed that Banu Taym was one of the weakest tribes of the Quraysh [Majma‘al-amthal, vol. I, p. 27]. Another time, Abu Bakr asked Qays Ibn 'Asim why he buried his daughters alive. Qays Ibn Asim replied, “So that they do not give birth to children like you.” [Ibn Abi l-Hadid, Sharh Nahj al-Balaghah, vol. XIII, p. 177]
    There are different views also on his occupation prior to the advent of Islam. Those who intended to attribute a high position to him in the Dark Age said he was a merchant. On the other hand, there are documents that say he had menial jobs such as milking and of that nature. [Al-Faiq fi gharib al-hadith, vol. IV, p. 12]
    Another story says Abu Bakr had financial problems and was a teacher in the Dark Age and later, became a tailor following the advent of Islam. [Al-Ifsah, p. 176]
    Abu bakr was two years younger than the Prophet of Islam and he is considered to be among one of the first Muslims. There is however conflicting ideas concerning whether he was the first or the fifty-first Muslim as one quotation has put it. [As-Sahih Min Sira al-Nabi, vol. I, pp 247,289,290]
    Such notions about him are natural considering he was the first caliph. We have not heard about any special pressures he may have faced in the years of invitation to Islam in Mecca. He did not accompany the Muhajirun to Abyssinia, but he found an opportunity to be with the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) in the night of Hijra. According to various discussions about Hijra, after the Prophet left the house, Abu Bakr went to see Imam Ali(A.S) and when found out that Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) had gone, he had set off and joined him.
    Abu Bakr's relationship with the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) grew stronger following the Prophet's marriage with Ayesha. Ayesha was a clever woman who tried to have a role in all political developments of her time. This helped strengthen Abu Bakr's position to some extent.
    Abu Bakr did not have any political or military responsibility during his ten years of stay in Medina, but he could gain power by understanding the situation of the internal wings of the Quraysh and taking advantage of the Quraysh's enmity towards Imam Ali (A.S) as well as the collaboration of the middle wings of the Quraysh. This group was neither among the Umayyad nor the Hashemite.
    Abu Bakr grasped a serious chance. When he took over the caliphate, a wave of apostasy and opposition to Islam swept across Hijaz and Muslims who all saw the principle of Islam endangered realized that opposing Abu Bakr was not to their interests.
    It is interesting to know that immediately after Abu Bakr's coming to power, rifts emerged between the Ansar and the Quraysh over a sarcastic poem composed by Abu Bakr about the Ansar. Afterwards, the Ansar kept some distance from Abu Bakr and Amr Ibn As who was instigated by the Quraysh spoke against them.
    On the other hand, Fal Ibn Abbas and then, Imam Ali (A.S) praised the Ansar. Hassan Ibn Thabit composed poems in praise of Imam Ali (A.S) for his support of the Ansar and implicitly, referred to the efforts of some men of the Quraysh who wanted to take Imam Ali's position [Tarikh al-Ya’qubi, vol. II, p. 128]. However, when oppositions heightened, the Ansar moved towards the claimants of prophet Hood and other apostates.
    Abu Bakr reiterated several times that there were some people who deserved the caliphate more than him. After the people swore allegiance to him, he said in a sermon, “I took over the rule over you while I’m not any better than you. If I behave well, help me; if not, guide me. Obey me as long as I am obedient to God; otherwise, you won't need to obey me” [Abd al-Razzaq, al-Musannaf, vol. XI, p. 326; Tarikh at-Tabari, vol. III, p. 336; al-Imamah wal-Siyasah, vol. I, p. 34]. This shows that Abu Bakr believed it was not necessary for a ruler to be the best of the people.
    It is necessary to admit that Abu Bakr had an eloquent language and we are sure that it was his clam words at the Saqifa more effective than 'Umar's harsh words, though they were complementary.
    Later, Abu Bakr once pointed to his tongue and said, “This is what helped me reach this rank.” [Nathr ad-Durr, vol. II, p. 13]
    He has been quoted as saying,” Umar is stronger than me and Salim is more pious” [Nathr ad-Durr, vol. II, p. 15]. But his emphasis on having the rule is surprising. Abu Bakr introduced his government as the “Caliphate of Prophet Hood” to convey the religious aspect of his caliphate. He considered his rule not as a caliphate from God, but a succession to the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) and named himself the “Caliph of the Messenger of Allah”.
    His first measure was dispatching Usama's army, an army which the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) had prepared to send to Damascus in the final days of his life. Political opposition caused delays in the deployment of the army under the pretext of Usama's young age. Now that the issues seemed to have been settled, the same people who were opposed decided to send Usama's army in spite of the critical situation on Hijaz.
    Responding to opposition against the army's dispatch, they said they could not ignore doing something that the Prophet had wanted. Abu Bakr said he would send the army even if the beasts would tear him apart in Medina [Tarikh Khalifat Ibn Khayyat, pp 100-101]. Usama's army left for Damascus and returned after forty days with no serious clashes. Since the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) had included Umar in Usama's army, Abu Bakr asked Usama to let Umar stay with him.

    This article borrowed from Imam Reza.Network.

  • Imam Ali (A.S) according to Sunni Sources

    Sahl bin Ahmad narrated from Ali bin Abdullah, from Al-Zubairi Is’haaq bin Ibrahim, from Abdul Razzaq bin Homam, from his father, from Mina, slave of Abdul Rahman bin Awf, from Abdullah bin Masoud, who said:
    I was with the Messenger of Allah, when he sighed heavily.
    “O the Messenger of Allah, why are you so sad?” I asked.
    “O Ibn Masoud, my death is approaching,” the Prophet replied.
    “Appoint a successor, O Messenger of Allah,” I said.
    “Who?” asked the Prophet.
    “Abu Bakr,” I replied.
    The Prophet fell silent and sighed heavily again.
    “Why you are so sad? May I sacrifice my life for you, O Messenger of Allah” I said.
    “My death is approaching,” replied the Prophet.
    “Appoint a successor,” I said.
    “Who will it be?” asked the Prophet.
    “Omar bin Al-Khattab,” I replied.
    The Prophet fell silent and sighed heavily for the third time.
    “May I sacrifice my mother and father for you. Why are you so sad, O the Messenger of Allah?” I asked.
    “My death is approaching,” replied the Prophet.
    “Appoint a successor,” I said.
    “Who will it be?” asked the Prophet.
    “Ali Ibn Abi Taleb,” I said.
    Then the Prophet cried and said, “Ah, you people will not obey him! If you would, Allah would allow you (to enter) Paradise. But by disobeying him, Allah will remove the value from anything good that you do.”

    [Ghayatol Maram, P 69, H 14.
    Khawarezmi in Manaqeb, P 64.
    Faraed Al-Semtayn, V 1, P 167, H 209.
    Manaqeb Ibn Shahr Ashoub, V 2, P 262.
    Bishart Al-Mostafa, P 215.
    Tarikh Al-Damesh, V 3, P 72.
    Nafahatul Lahout, P 114.
    Arjah Al-Mataleb, P 162.
    Maqsad Al-Ragheb, P 29.
    Majma’ Al-Zawaed. V 5, P 185.
    Ibn Katheer in his Tafseer, V 9, P 200.]

    Ref: Imam Reza.Network

  • Imam Ali (A.S) never pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr

    Although majority of Sunni sources indicate that Imam Ali (A.S) finally pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr, and he became one of the main supporters of the system, the reality is otherwise, as according to many companions and later on historians, Imam Ali (A.S) never pledged allegiance to them and refused to present any sort of legitimacy.
    According to unanimous narrations by both groups (Shia & Sunni), after the attack on Imam Ali’s (A.S) House, the Imam (A.S) was tied and dragged to the mosque, as he was asked forcefully to pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr. Imam Ali (A.S) refused and he was threatened to be killed, but since they knew killing the Imam (A.S) is literally impossible and would cause more harm to their purpose, they decided to use another method. According to historians, Omar and others pulled the Imam (A.S) toward Abu Bakr and Abu Bakr came toward the Imam (A.S), Omar pulled the hand of Imam Ali (A.S) and placed Abu Bakr’s hand on top it and shouted:  “O’ everyone, Ali pledged to the new Caliph.”
    Therefore, even during these tense and sensitive moments, Imam Ali (A.S) refused to give any kind legitimacy to the new system, as he refused to pledge his allegiance to Abu Bakr while saving the stability of his society.

    Ref: Shia Wisdom

  • The 2 cursed ones being burned

    وبهذا الاسناد عن أبي عبد الله جعفر بن محمد، قال: حدثنا محمد ابن حمران المدائني عن علي بن أسباط، عن الحسن بن بشير، عن أبي الجارود، عن أبي جعفر (عليه السلام)
    ثم يدخل المسجد فينقض الحائط حتى يضعه إلى الأرض، ثم يخرج الأزرق وزريق غضين طريين، يكلمهما فيجيبانه، فيرتاب عند ذلك المبطلون، فيقولون: يكلم الموتى؟! فيقتل منهم خمسمائة مرتاب في جوف المسجد، ثم يحرقهما بالحطب الذي جمعاه ليحرقا به عليا وفاطمة والحسن والحسين (عليهم السلام)، وذلك الحطب عندنا نتوارثه، ويهدم قصر المدينة

    .And with the same chain from Abi Abdillah Jafar bin Muhammad, from Muhammad bin Hamran al-Madaini, from Ali bin Isbaat, from al-Hassan bin Basheer, from Abi Jarood, from Abi Jafar al-Baqir (A.S):
    (Part of a lengthy narration, quoting only the required portion here)
    "Then He [al-Qaim (A.S)], will enter the Mosque (in Medina), then He will destroy the wall until it comes down to the ground. Then he will bring out al-Azraq and Zareeq (referring to Abu Bakr & Umar) while they are fresh. He [al-Qaim (A.S)] will speak to them and they will answer Him. Then the people of falsehood will doubt this and say, “He speaks with the dead!!!” Then He will kill 500 of those who doubted in the middle of the Mosque. Then He will burn those two with the firewood that was collected to burn (the house of) Ali, Fatima, Hassan & Hussein (A.S). And that firewood is with us, we inherited it and He will bring down the palace of Medina …"
    [Source: Dalail al-Imamah by Muhammad bin Jareer al-Tabari, Pg. 455]

    Derived from: Marefate AhleBait (A.S).com

  • The Events of Saqifa

    While Imam Ali (A.S) was busy attending to the burial of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P), the Muhajireen of Mecca and the Ansar of Medina had lost no time in contesting the matter of the Caliphate. They had gathered at a place called Saqifa bani Sa'da and each group was putting forward its merits and claiming the Caliphate.
    One can only wonder at their actions, because only two months ago the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) had openly declared that Imam Ali (A.S) would be his successor. In their greed, these so-called Muslims even forgot that their beloved Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) lay as yet unburied.
    The Muhajireen claimed that they had a greater right to the Caliphate because they had been Muslims for longer and had supported the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.U&H.P) in Mecca when he had very few friends. They also claimed to be his kin and said that they had migrated from their homes in Mecca in very difficult circumstances, leaving behind all their wealth and property.
    The Ansar insisted that they had a greater right to the Caliphate because they had given the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) shelter in Medina when he could live in Mecca no longer. They had also protected him in his time of need and had fought at his side in battles against powerful enemies. They recalled how for 13 years he had preached amongst the Meccans and only a handful had become Muslims. They argued that it was the Ansar who had given Islam strength and consolidation.
    When Umar bin Khattab and Abu Bakr bin Qahafa reached Saqifa, the arguments had almost been settled in favor of the Ansar, who had chosen Sa'd bin Ubadah to lead the Muslims. Umar did not find this acceptable at all as he had already planned to bring in a man from the Muhajireen. He urged Abu Bakr to make a speech and turn the situation. Abu Bakr rose and said that the Arabs would not accept any Caliph who was not from the tribe of Quraish, which was the tribe of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P). He also praised the merits of the Ansar to keep them quiet. The Ansar were not fooled by the clever words of Abu Bakr and while there was some silence, Abu Bakr received help from an unexpected quarter.
    The two main tribes of the Ansar were the Aws and Khazraj. The old enmity between them had been settled long ago by the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P), but now it came out into the open.
    To stop the selection of Sa'd bin Ubadah who was the chief of the Khazraj, Bashir bin Sa'd from the tribe of Aws suddenly went forward and gave his allegiance to Abu Bakr. He was followed by three other men from Aws. Suddenly, the tables had turned and now the Muhajireen had the upper hand.
    Despite protests from the tribe of Khazraj and a few followers of Imam Ali (A.S), Abu Bakr was elected as the first Caliph. How strange was their behavior! While Abu Bakr and Umar sold their religion for their greed, the people of Aws sold their religion for fear that the Khazraj might come to power. The rest of the people followed like sheep, too weak or uncaring to protest. The few who did raise their voices to defend the unrecognized rights of Imam Ali (A.S) were ignored and outnumbered.
    The members of Bani Hashim and some loyal Muslims were too occupied with the passing away of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) to give any thought to worldly affairs. By the time they learnt of the happenings at Saqifa, it was too late to do anything.
    When Imam Ali came to exercise his right to the Caliphate as per the orders of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) at Ghadeer Khum, his claim was rejected and he was forced to return to his house. Later, Abu Bakr sent Umar to Hazrat Fatimah's (S.A) house, where Imam Ali (A.S) and some friends had gathered. Umar had instructions to bring Imam Ali (A.S) to Abu Bakr to pay the oath of allegiance to him. When Imam Ali (A.S) refused to do this, Umar threatened to burn down the house. Imam Ali (A.S) then came out with Abbas and Zubayr. From the open door was heard the sound of Hazrat Fatimah (S.A) weeping.
    She was saying:
    "O Father, how soon after your death are troubles pouring on our head at the hands of the son of Khattab and the son of Abu Qahafa. How soon they have ignored your words of Ghadeer Khum and your saying that Ali was to you as Haroon was to Musa."
    Hearing these heartrending words, the companions of Umar could not keep themselves from weeping and turned back.
    However Umar was bent on humiliating Imam Ali (A.S). He insisted that Imam Ali (A.S) be led to the mosque tied with a rope so that he could not escape.
    The Muslims now saw an amazing sight. The Lion of Allah, the man who was the champion of Badr, Uhud, Khandaq, Khayber and Hunayn, was being led by the cowardly Umar, who had run away from the battle of Uhud when the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) was injured.
    It was a measure of the patience of Imam Ali (A.S) that he did not use force in the interests of Islam. He knew that nothing could be gained by fighting, and a civil war would destroy the Muslims.
    When Imam Ali (A.S) was brought in front of Abu Bakr, Umar insisted that if he did not give the oath of allegiance, he should be killed. Imam Ali (A.S) replied:
    "Will you kill a man who is a servant of the Lord and a brother of the Apostle of the Lord?"
    Umar then turned to Abu Bakr who had remained silent till then, asking him to decide Imam Ali's (A.S) fate. However, Abu Bakr said that so long as Hazrat Fatimah (S.A) was alive, he would not force her husband to give allegiance to him.
    After that Imam Ali (A.S) was released and he went directly to the grave of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) where he stood, reflecting on how the attitude of the people had changed now that his brother had left this world.

    Taken from: Imam Reza.Network

  • The Shaqshaqia sermon


    This sermon is one of the speeches of Imam Ali (A.S) that he gave during his Caliphate, which he expresses his opinion in a clear and direct approach toward the Caliphate of the three and how they extorted a right that was divinely his.
    “Beware! By Allah, the son of Abu Quhafah (Abu Bakr) dressed himself with it (the caliphate) and he certainly knew that my position in relation to it was the same as the position of the axis in relation to the hand-mill. The flood water flows down from me and the bird cannot fly up to me. I put a curtain against the caliphate and kept myself detached from it.
    Then I began to think whether I should assault or endure calmly the blinding darkness of tribulations wherein the grown up are made feeble and the young grow old and the true believer acts under strain till he meets Allah (on his death).
    I found that endurance thereon was wiser. So I adopted patience although there was pricking in the eye and suffocation (of mortification) in the throat. I watched the plundering of my inheritance till the first one went his way but handed over the Caliphate to Ibn al-Khattab after himself.
    It is strange that during his lifetime he wished to be released from the caliphate but he confirmed it for the other one after his death. No doubt these two shared its udders strictly among themselves. This one put the Caliphate in a tough enclosure where the utterance was haughty and the touch was rough. Mistakes were in plenty and so also the excuses therefore. One in contact with it was like the rider of an unruly camel. If he pulled up its rein the very nostril would be slit, but if he let it loose he would be thrown. Consequently, by Allah people got involved in recklessness, wickedness, unsteadiness and deviation.
    Nevertheless, I remained patient despite length of period and stiffness of trial, till when he went his way (of death) he put the matter (of Caliphate) in a group and regarded me to be one of them. But good Heavens! What had I to do with this “consultation”? Where was any doubt about me with regard to the first of them that I was now considered akin to these ones? But I remained low when they were low and flew high when they flew high.
    One of them turned against me because of his hatred and the other got inclined the other way due to his in-law relationship and this thing and that thing, till the third man of these people stood up with heaving breasts between his dung and fodder. With him his children of his grand-father, (Umayyad) also stood up swallowing up Allah’s wealth like a camel devouring the foliage of spring, till his rope broke down, his actions finished him and his gluttony brought him down prostrate”.

    Derived from: Shia Wisdom

  • What did the Ahlul Bayt (A.S) say about Abu Bakr & Umar?

    الحسين بن محمد الاشعري، عن معلى بن محمد، عن الوشاء، عن أبان بن عثمان، عن عبد الرحمن بن أبي عبد الله قال: قلت لابي عبد الله (عليه السلام): إن الله عز وجل من علينا بأن عرفنا توحيده، ثم من علينا بأن أقررنا بمحمد (صلى الله عليه وآله) بالرسالة ثم اختصنا بحبكم أهل البيت نتولاكم ونتبرأ من عدوكم وإنما نريد بذلك خلاص أنفسنا من النار، قال: ورققت فبكيت، فقال أبو عبد الله (عليه السلام): سلني فوالله لا تسألني عن شئ إلا أخبرتك به، قال: فقال له عبد الملك بن أعين: ما سمعته قالها لمخلوق قبلك، قال: قلت: خبرني عن الرجلين؟ قال: ظلمانا حقنا في كتاب الله عز وجل ومنعا فاطمة صلوات الله عليها ميراثها من أبيها وجرى ظلمهما إلى اليوم، قال - وأشار إلى خلفه - ونبذا كتاب الله وراء ظهورهما

    Narrated al-Husain bin Mohammad al-Ashari, from Mualla bin Mohammad, from al-Washa, from Aban bin Usman, from Abd al-Rahman bin Abi Abdillah who said,
    I said to Abi Abdillah Imam Sadiq (A.S), "Allah blessed us with the recognition of His monotheism (Tawheed), then He blessed us with the belief in Muhammad's (P.B.U.H&H.P) message, then He distinguished us with your love the Ahlul Bayt (A.S). We love you (Tawallah) and dissociate (Tabarrah) from your enemy. We want that so that we may save ourselves from the Fire."
    Then, the man became weak, and began to weep. So Imam as-Sadiq (A.S) said, "Ask me, for by Allah, you will not ask me about a thing except that I will inform you about it."
    The man said, "Inform me about the two men (referring to Abu Bakr & Umar)."
    The Imam (A.S) replied, "They oppressed our rights, which are in the Book of Allah, and they prevented Fatima(S.A) from her inheritance from her father. Their oppression has continued until today" - then he pointed to his back - "and they have hid the Book of Allah behind their backs."
    [Source: al-Kafi, Vol. 8. Pg. 102]
    Ref: Marefate AhleBait (A.S).com

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