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prophet muhammad - Islam Guidance

  • A miracle of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P)

    Imam Ali Naqi (A.S) said:
    When the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) proclaimed the religion of Islam in Medina, Abdullah bin Ubayy became extremely jealous; so he resorted to a conspiracy, dug a pit in his house and erected poison coated knives and lances and covered it all by a thick mat or carpet. He also tied a border of that carpet with a wall so that when the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) and his companions arrive, they may fall in that pit. He also hid some of his evil-minded companions armed with swords, so that when the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P), Ali (A.S) and other companions comes out, they might be attacked and killed. Besides, he also prepared poisoned food so that if the first plan fails, they may be finished by the poisoned food.
    Finally he went and invited the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) and his close companions for the feast, and the Almighty Allah, through angel Gabriel, informed the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) about all these evil plans. Gabriel (A.S) advised the Prophet to sit where the mischief-maker Abdullah bin Ubayy might suggest and also to eat the food offered by him so that this miracle may be observed by them all quite clearly.
    In short, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) went to that fellow’s house with his companions and sat on the carpet prepared by him. Yet they remained safe because Allah had hardened the carpet and the ground beneath it became stony and levelled. The hypocrites were amazed beyond measure. Then he put the poisoned food before his guests. Before extending his holy hand to the food, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) asked Ali to recite these words (as he himself recited):

    بسْم الله الشافي، بسْم الله الْكافي، بسْم الله الْمعافي، بسْم الله الذي لا يضر مع اسْمه شيْ‏ء [و لا داء] في الارْض ولا في السماء، و هو السميع الْعليم

    Translation: In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. In the Name of Allah, the Healer. In the Name of Allah, the Sufficient. In the Name of Allah, the Protector. In the Name of one, after taking Whose Name nothing and no pain can harm, neither on earth nor in the sky and He is the Hearer, the Knower.

    Then all of them ate the food, got satisfied and returned hale and hearty.When companions of Abdullah bin Ubayy saw this, they thought that perhaps he had forgotten to poison the remaining food, so they poisoned it. His daughter who had prepared all these plans saw that the mouth of that pit had been closed and that it had become hard like the ground she herself sat on. But when she sat, Almighty Allah reverted that to its earlier condition and that cursed woman fell down into it and died and the inmates of that house began to weep and cry in grief.
    At that time Abdullah bin Ubayy, the mischievous fellow warned the people of his house and ordered them not to say that she died after falling in the pit otherwise, they will be disgraced and Muhammad will know that it was all due to their conspiracy. So they were weeping and saying: The bride for whose marriage this feast was arranged has died. And all who ate that leftover food also died. When Abdullah bin Ubayy came to the Prophet, the latter asked the cause of that girl’s death. The great liar replied that the girl fell down fatally from the upper floor of the house and all who ate, died due to overeating. Thus the conspirators did not reveal the true cause.
    [Source: Tafseer of Imam Hasan Askari (A.S), Sura Baqara, Verse 23-25]

    Source: Marefate AhleBait (A.S).com

  • Abu Lahab - Bitter and Humiliated



    Abu Lahab, the uncle of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) was his inveterate enemy. In the early days of Islam, whenever the Prophet (P.B.U.H) came to the market place to proclaim Oneness of Allah and denounce idolatry, Abu Lahab would follow him and announce: "O people! This young man is an impostor do not listen to him."

    In the Battle of Badr, he decided to stay behind while other veterans joined the army to fight the Prophet (P.B.U.H). He was anxious of the outcome of the battle and would ask anyone who would come from the vicinity of Medina if he had any news. At last when Abu Sufyan returned, crest fallen and ashamed, Abu Lahab inquired: "Tell me what happened, for no doubt you have the reliable news."

    Abu Sufyan related how his army of Meccans suffered a shameful defeat, and how the great veterans of Quraish fell, one after the other. "Believe me, it was an effortless surrender. We seemed to be at their command, submitting our necks for slaughter and our hands for being taken prisoners. And I do not blame the Quraish. By God! We saw white robed soldiers on black horses fill the place, and none of us could stand against their onslaught."

    Abu Lahab was overtaken by grief; he began to cry and wail. Sitting next to him was a slave called Abu Rafe' who was known for leaning towards Islam. In a fit of uncontrolled anger, Abu Lahab slapped him on the face; and then there was a commotion in which a lady, Ummul Fadhl, hit Abu Lahab on his head.

    Abu Lahab entered his house, bitter and humiliated; and within 7 days thereafter, died a miserable death.

    Taken from: Almujtaba Islamic Network

  • Muhammad al-Amin" (Muhammad the Trustworthy)

    One year, the people of Makkah were rebuilding the holy Kabah. The holy Kabah is the first house of worship ever built on earth. and it was the Holy Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismail (A.S) who built it. Now all the people of Makkah were working together to rebuild it. The wall of the Kabah reached the special place where the black stone called! al-Hajar al-Aswad' had to be placed. Al-Hajar al-'Aswad is a very respected part of the Kabah. Each of the nobles of Makkah wanted to gain prestige and honor for himself and his tribe by placing the black stone in its special position.
    Gradually a huge quarrel broke out and work came to a halt. All the nobles were saying, !No, I must be the one to place Al-Hajar al-'Aswad in position." The conflict became very severe, and the situation became dangerous. Makkah was on the verge of civil war and the nobles began giving instructions to their tribes and clans to make ready for battle.
    It was then that a wise man spoke up. "Oh people. he said, "Do not make war upon each other. War leads to the destruction of houses and cities and causes misery and hardship amongst the people. Do not follow the ways of ignorance.' find the solution to your problem." "What shall we do'?" asked the Makkan nobles. "What is the solution to our problem?"
    "You must select an arbitrator, said the wise man. "to arbitrate between you and put an end to your conflict." "We accept the nobles said in unison. "This is a good suggestion but who is to arbitrate All the nobles wanted the arbitrator to be from their own tribe, so that he would rule in their favor. Again the project led to a dispute. That same wise man then made another suggestion.
    "Since you are unable to agree in choosing an arbitrator," he said, `appoint the first person who enters al-Masjid al-Haram to arbitrate among you. "The first person to enter from this door." he added, pointing to one of the Sacred Mosque's doors." "We agree." they all said. Their eyes were staring at the door. They were all anxious and their thoughts were centered on who was going to enter the door and arbitrate between them and in favor of which tribe. A young man entered. and everyone was relieved.
    It's Muhammad." they started saying. "Muhammad al `Amin. Muhammad the Trustworthy. who could be better'? We accept his arbitration." As Muhammad entered the Sacred Mosque. all the people crowded around him and told him all about this conflict. Thinking for a moment. Muhammad then told them:
    "All the leading men of Makkah must share in this important work." The people were surprised. "How is it possible?" they asked themselves. Muhammad gave instructions for the head of each tribe to be present. When they were all present Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) took his cloak. spread it on the ground and placed al-Hajar al-'Aswad upon it.
    Then he told all the chiefs to pick up the cloak together and bring it to the side of the Kabah. Then, when they had done so, Muhammad gently nudged al-Hajar al-`Aswad into its special position. All the people of Makkah were satisfied and pleased and congratulated Muhammad on his expertise. At that time, Muhammad was still young and had not yet been given his prophetic mission. However he was so honest and truthful that he was known as Muhammad al-Amin meaning "Muhammad the Trustworthy". The people had complete confidence in him and entrusted to him their valuables. He took great care to look after these trusts and to return them safely to their owners whenever they wanted them.
    The people used to turn to him to settle their differences and disputes, and everyone used to accept his arbitration.
    *Peace and blessings upon our honest and trustworthy Prophet.*

    Source: Aldhiaa.com

  • Naming your son Muhammad or Ali

    If one, while expecting a baby, has the intention to name the child Muhammad or Ali, the child will be a boy with the permission of Allah (S.W.T):
    “Once ibn Ghaylan al-Mada’iniy and I visited abu al-Hassan, al-Rida (A.S) and ibn Ghaylan said to him (the Imam), ‘I pray to Allah to keep you well, I have been informed that if one’s wife is pregnant and he keeps his intention to name him Muhammad a son then is born to him.’ He (the Imam) said, ‘If one’s wife is pregnant and he keeps in his intention to name him Ali, (in this case also) a son will born to him.’ He (the Imam) then said, ‘Ali and Muhammad is one thing.’ He then said, ‘I pray to Allah to keep you well, I left my wife pregnant, please pray to Allah to make him a boy.’ He (the Imam) bent down his head for a long time; then raised his head and said, ‘Name him Ali because it is good for his long life.’ We then entered Mecca and a letter came from al-Mada’in saying, “A boy is born to him.”’”

    Source: It is narrated from Muhammad ibn Ali from Ali ibn al-Hakam from al-Hussein ibn Sa‘id
    [Furu’ al-Kafi, Volume 6, Chapter 5, Hadith #2]
    [Mira’at al-Uqool, Volume 21, Page 20]

    Reference: wilayat.net

  • The Prophet Muhammad's Last Hajj

    On the day of Arafah, on his last Hajj, the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) gave a sermon... He talked about race, gender and brotherhood. But how much of his message do we heed today?

  • Was the prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) illiterate???

    أبى رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن ابن عبد الله محمد بن خالد البرقي عن جعفر بن محمد الصوفي قال: سألت أبا جعفر محمد بن علي الرضا عليهما السلام فقلت يا بن رسول الله لم سمي النبي الأمي؟ فقال:ما يقول الناس قلت يزعمون أنه إنما سمى الأمي لأنه لم يحسن ان يكتب فقال " ع " كذبوا عليهم لعنة الله انى ذلك والله يقول في محكم كتابه (وهو الذي بعث في الأميين رسولا منهم يتلو عليهم آياته ويزكيهم ويعلمهم الكتاب والحكمة) فكيف كانيعلمهم مالا يحسن والله لقد كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يقرء ويكتب باثنتين وسبعين أو قال بثلاثة وسبعين لسانا وإنما سمي الأمي لأنه كان من أهل مكة ومكة من أمهات القرى وذلك قول الله عز وجل لينذر أم القرى ومن حولها.

    A man asked Imam Muhammad al-Jawad (A.S), "O son of Messenger of Allah, why was the Prophet called Ummi?"
    The Imam (A.S) replied, "What do the people say?
    "The man said" They claim that he was called Ummi because he was illiterate."
    The Imam (A.S) said, "They have lied. Allah says in His Book, 'It is He who has sent among the unlettered a Messenger from themselves reciting to them His verses and purifying them and teaching them the Book and wisdom' (62:2) how would he teach what he himself could not do? By Allah, the Messenger of Allah could read and write in 73 languages. He was called Ummi because he was from Mecca. Mecca is the Mother Town (Umm al-Qura), and this is why Allah said, '... so that you may warn the Mother Town and whoever is round about it.' (42:7)"
    (Ilal al-Sharai, volume 1, pp. 151, chapter 105, hadith 1)

    Reference: Marefate AhleBait (A.S).com

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