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Virtues of Imam Ali (A.S) - Islam Guidance

  • Ali (A.S), Who Praised by the Prophet

    No one in the history of Islam shares the words of praise that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) used for Imam Ali (A.S). For example he said:
    “If all the trees were pens, if all the seas were ink, if all the jinn and men wrote them down, even then the merits of Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S) could not be counted.”
    “Ali and I are from the same Light”
    “Ali is from me and I am from Ali.”
    “Ali is the first person to believe in my Prophet hood and will be the first person to meet me on the Day of Judgment.”
    “I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its door. He who wants to gain knowledge should come through the door.”
    “I am the store-house of wisdom and Ali is its door.”
    “Whoever wishes to see Adam in his knowledge, Noah in his piety, Abraham in his patience, Moses in his strength, and Jesus in his worship and devotion should look at Ali ibn Abi Talib.”
    “He who loves Ali loves me and he who hates Ali hates me.”
    “O Ali! You are the leader in this world and the hereafter.”
    “Ali is with the Truth and Truth is with Ali.”

    Ref: Shia Books for Children

  • All virtues belong to Imam Ali (A.S)

    Ibn Abi al-Hadeed said the best thing about this aspect:
    The virtues of Imam Ali (A.S) had reached a high standard of greatness, majesty, to extent that it is ugly to account it and explain it. What can I say about a man whose enemies and opponents admitted his merit? They could not deny his attributes nor conceal his virtues. I knew that Umayyad seized the authorities of Islam in east and west of the earth and they worked hard all the tricks to extinguish his light, incite him, claim defects, and disadvantages to him and curse him on all platforms. They threatened his eulogists, locked, and killed them. They prevented narrating any Hadiths about his virtue to the extent that they banned naming anyone after his name. Nevertheless, that raised his status and name. Imam was like musk when it was covered, its perfume spread, like the sun that cannot be covered with hands, and like day. What can I say about a man to whom all virtues were ascribed and he is the peak and fountain of virtues. All those who came after him followed his style and took advantage of his knowledge.
    The most honorable knowledge is the divine science, because the honor knowledge is linked to the topic and the topic is the most honorable in existence. From the words of Allah: Holy Quran, Imam Ali quoted, narrated, to Imam Ali ended, and from him began the Mu'tazila. Mu'tazilites are the masters of monotheism, justice and thinking deeply. People – from them – learnt this art because their master is Wasil bin Ata'a who learned from Abu Hashim Ibn Abdul Allah bin Mohammad bin al-Hanafiya.
    Abu Hashim is the student of his father and his father is the student of Imam Ali (A.S). While Ash'arism are belong to Abu al-Hassan who is Ali bin Ismail Ibn Abi Bashar al-Ash'ari, a disciple of Abi Ali al-Jebaee and Abu Ali is one of the masters of Mu'tazila. Therefore, Ash'ari – at the end – belongs to the master and teacher of Mu'tazila: Ali Ibn Abi Talib (A.S). The Imami and Zaidi belong clearly to Imam Ali.
    What can I say about a man preceded people in faith? He believed in Allah and his prophet, while all people were worshiping stones and denying Allah. No one preceded him in faith. It was narrated that Imam Ali is the first person who believed in Allah and a very few people contradicted that.
    If we want to explain his merits and virtue, we shall need volumes to cover them all.

    Derived from: Imam Ali Network

  • Imam Ali (A.S) is the first one & last one!!!

    It’s narrated that the commander of the faithful, Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S) was seated in Mosque with a group of his followers sitting around him.
    They said to Him, "Narrate to us, O the commander of the faithful".
    Imam Ali (A.S) said, "Woe to you. My word is difficult and intolerable. None can understand it except for the knowledgeable."
    They said, "No problem that you narrate something for us".
    Imam Ali (A.S) said, “I am the one who became elevated and did overcome. I am the one who gives life and death. I am the first one and the last one. I am the apparent one and the hidden one.
    Then the people became angry and said, "He has done Kufr and the people got up (to take the exit)."
    Imam Ali (A.S) then said to the door, "O' the door, close upon them. So the door closed upon them".
    Then Imam Ali (A.S) said, "Did I not tell you that my word is difficult and intolerable and none can understand it except for the knowledgeable? Come I will explain it to you.
    As for my saying that, 'I am the one who became elevated and did overcome'. Then it means that I became elevated (above you) with this sword and overcame you until you believed in Allah (S.W.T) and His Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P).
    As for my saying that, 'I am the one who gives life and death'. Then it means that I give life to the tradition (Sunnah) and give death of Bid'ah.
    As for my saying that, 'I am the first one'. Then it means that I am the first one to believe in Allah (S.W.T) and to submit to Him.
    As for my saying that, 'I am the last one'. Then it means that I am the last one in terms of giving shroud to the Prophet and burying Him.
    As for my saying that, 'I am the apparent one and the hidden one'. Then it means that with me is the apparent and hidden knowledge.
    The people then said, "You have delighted us. May Allah (S.W.T) delight you'.
    [Source: al-Ikhtesaas, Shaikh Mufeed, Pg. 163]

    Ref: Marefate AhleBait (A.S).com

  • Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) ordered by Allah (S.W.T) to recite the merits of Imam Ali (A.S)

    Imam Baqir (A.S) narrates from the Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P):
    Gabriel came to me and said:
    Allah has ordered you to give a speech about Ali bin Abi Taleb's virtues in front of your companions so that they can narrate it to others. Allah has ordered all of the angels to listen to your speech. Allah says that those who disobey you by not following Ali will go to Hell, and those who obey you will be rewarded with Paradise.
    So the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) called for prayer and when people gathered, the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) went on the pulpit and he started by saying:

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    O people! I am the bearer of glad tidings and I am the Warner. I am the Prophet from Mecca.
    Allah has ordered me to tell you about a man whose flesh is from my flesh and whose blood is from my blood. He is the keeper of knowledge. He is the one whom Allah chose from this nation and appointed as the Wali.
    Allah has created the two of us together. Allah elevated me above all people by honoring me with prophet hood and Allah elevated him above all people by appointing him as my successor.
    Allah made me the city of knowledge and made him the door. Allah chose him as the keeper of knowledge with which he defines the rules.
    Allah has chosen him as my successor and Allah has revealed his status to everyone.
    Allah has warned his enemies and Allah has brought his followers closer to Himself.
    Allah has forgiven his Shia and Allah has ordered all of the people to obey him.
    Allah says that those who are against Ali are against Allah and those who disobey Ali disobey Allah. Those who hurt Ali hurt Allah and those who hate Ali hate Allah. Those who love Ali love Allah and those who desire Ali desire Allah. Those who conspire against Ali conspire against Allah and those who support Ali support Allah.
    O people! Listen to my orders and obey me. I am warning you of Allah's punishment:
    [(Remember) the day when every soul shall find present whatever it has done of good and whatever it has done of evil; it will wish there might be a wide interval between it and that (evil), Allah warns you to beware of Him; and Allah is affectionate to His faithful servants] (3:30).
    Then the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) took the hand of the Commander of the Believers, Ali ibn Abi Taleb (A.S), and said:
    O People! He is the Master of the Believers and he is Allah's decisive argument on His entire creation. Ali is the fighter of the as.
    O Allah! I have announced it! And these are your slaves and you have the power to reform them, so reform them with your mercy, for You are the most merciful.
    I seek forgiveness for myself and for you, O people.
    Then the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) descended the pulpit.
    Gabriel came to the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) and said to him:
    Allah conveys His Salaam to you and says, "I will reward you for what you have announced. You have fulfilled your duty of prophet hood. You have advised your nation. You have pleased the believers and you have constrained the pagans. O Mohammad! Your cousin will be made to suffer and people will suffer with him. O Mohammad! Say at all times, [Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. And soon those who deal unjustly shall know as to what an evil turning they shall be turned] (26:227).
    [Source: Basharat ul Mustafa Le Shiyyat e Murtuza, Chapter 2, Hadees 52 / Amaali of Sheikh Mufeed 76,346]

    Taken from: Marefate AhleBait (A.S).com

  • Some Traditions on the Virtues of Imam Ali (A.S)

    It is narrated that:
    The Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P) said: "He who wants to see Noah (A.S) in his determination, Adam (A.S) in his knowledge, Abraham (A.S) in his clemency, Moses (A.S) in his intelligence and Jesus (A.S) in his religious devotion should look at Ali Ibn Abi Talib (A.S)."
    Sunni references:
    Sahih al-Bayhaqi
    Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, as quoted in
    Sharh Ibn Abil Hadid, v2, p449
    Tafsir al-Kabir, by Fakhruddin al-Razi, under the commentary of the Verse of Imprecation (Mubahilah), v2, p288. He wrote this tradition has been accepted as all genuine.
    Ibn Batah has recorded it as a tradition related by Ibn Abbas as is stated in the book "Fath al-Mulk al-Ali bi Sihah Hadith-e-Bab-e-Madinat al-Ilm", p34, by Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Siddeeq al-Hasani al-Maghribi.
    Among those who have admitted that Imam Ali (A.S) is the store house of the secrets of all the Prophets is the Chief of Gnostics, Muhyiddin al-Arabi, from whom al-Arif al-Sharani has copied it in his al-Yawaqeet wa al-Jawahir (p172, topic 32).

    It is also narrated that:
    The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said: "There is amongst you a person who will fight for the interpretation of the Quran just as I fought for its revelation. “The people around him raised their heads and cast inquisitive glances at the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) and at one another. Abu Bakr and Umar were there. Abu Bakr inquired if he was that person and the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) replied in the negative. Then Umar inquired if he was that person and the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) replied "No. He is the one who is repairing my shoes (i.e., Ali)."
    Abu Said Khudri said: Then we went to Ali and conveyed the good news to him. He did not even raise his head and remained as busy as he was, as if he had already heard it from the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P)."

    Sunni references:
    Al-Mustadrak, by al-Hakim, v3, p122, who said this tradition is genuine based on the criteria of al-Bukhari and Muslim.
    Al-Dhahabi, also records it in his Talkhis al-Mustadrak and admitted that it is genuine according to the standard of the two Shaikhs.
    Khasa'is, by al-Nisa'i, p40
    Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v3, pp 32-33
    Kanz al-Ummal, by al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, v6, p155
    Majma' al-Zawa'id, by al-Haythami, v9, p133

    Ahmad Ibn Hanbal and al-Hakim recorded with authentic document from Abu Said al-Khudri that the Apostle of God said to Ali: "Verily you will do battle for (implementation of) the Quran, as you has done for its revelation."
    Sunni reference: Tarikh al-Khulafaa, by Jalaluddin al-Suyuti, p173

    Al-Hakim recorded that Anas Ibn Malik narrated that the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said to Ali (A.S):
    “You shall inform my nation about the truth and what they dispute after me"

    Source: Imam Ali (A.S) Network

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