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The News (an-Naba‘) -78


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 78
78 An-Naba’

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. About what are they all disputing with one another?
2. About the great news,
3. That which they differ therein,
4. Verily they shall soon come to know,
5. Then verily they shall soon come to know,
6. Did We not make the earth a wide expanse?
7. And the mountains belts?
8. And created you in pairs?
9. And caused your sleep a rest?
10. And caused the night a covering?
11. And caused the day for seeking livelihood?
12. And We have erected above you seven strong firmaments,
13. And We made therein a lamp burning,
14. And We send down from the clouds water in torrents,
15. That We may bring forth thereby corn and herbs,
16. And gardens of thick foliage.
17. Verily the Day of Decision is a time appointed,
18. The Day when the trumpet is blown, and you shall come forth in huge groups,
19. And (they will find) the heavens opened, full of portals,
20. And (they will find) the mountains set in motion like mere vapour;
21. Verily (they will find) Hell waiting-
22. For the transgressors: their destination,
23. To abide therein for ages.
24. They shall taste no coolness therein nor any drink,
25. Save boiling water and running puss,
26. A recompense fitting (their evils).
27. Verily they did not look forward to their reckoning,
28. And they falsified Our signs with a persistent falsification.
29. And everything We have recorded is in a Book:
30. Taste then! And We will increase you nothing but torment!
31. Verily for the pious ones is a great fulfillment (of their desire):
32. Gardens enclosed, and vineyards,
33. And mates and beautiful maidens,
34. And a brimful cup,
35. They shall hear no vain talk therein, nor any falsehood,
36. A recompense from your Lord, a reward according to the reckoning,
37. The Lord of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them twain, the Beneficent God; they shall have no right to address Him,
38. On that Day, whereupon the spirit shall stand, and the angels arrayed; they shall speak not save he whom the Beneficent God permits, and he shall speak the truth.
39. That is the certain Day. Whoso then desires, let him take refuge with his Lord.
40. Verily We have warned you of a chastisement nigh at hand, on the day when man sees what his hands sent forth, and when the disbelievers say: “Oh! Would that I were dust!”

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