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The Dispatched Angels (al-Mursalat) -77


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 77
77 Al-Mursalat

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. By those (winds) dispatched (to man’s profit), one after another,
2. Which then rage in violent rage,
3. And by those that spread (goodness) far and wide,
4. Then by those that separate them from one another,
5. Then by those that give forth the reminder,
6. Either to justify (the punishment), or to warn,
7. Surely what has been promised to you shall come to pass.
8. So when the stars are caused to cease radiating,
9. And when the heavens are rent asunder,
10. And when the mountains are carried away like dust,
11. And when the messengers are made to reach their appointed time,
12. To what day is the appointment (fixed)?
13. To the Day of Decision!
14. And what will make you know what the day of Decision is?
15. Woe on that day unto the falsifiers;
16. Did We not destroy the former people?
17. Then did We not make the later people follow them?
18. Thus do We deal with the guilty ones.
19. Woe on that day unto the falsifiers.
20. Did We not create you of a despicable fluid?
21. Then We placed it in a safe place,
22. Till the appointed term?
23. So We planned, then how excellent are the Planners?
24. Woe on that day unto the falsifiers.
25. Have We not made the earth a receptacle?
26. For the living, and for the dead?
27. And We made therein mountains high and given you sweet water to drink?
28. Woe on that day unto the falsifiers.
29. Begone to that which you falsify!
30. Begone to the shadow with three columns!
31. (Which yields) no shade (for coolness) nor availing against the flames.
32. Surely it sends up sparks (huge) like palaces,
33. As if they were (a string of) tawny camels,
34. Woe on that day unto the falsifiers.
35. This is the day when they shall not speak,
36. And it shall not be permitted to them so that they may offer excuses,
37. Woe on that day unto the falsifiers.
38. This is the day of Decision. We will gather you and all those of yore,
39. If you have any stratagem, try your stratagem (now)!
40. Woe on that day unto the falsifiers.
41. Surely the pious shall be amidst shades and springs,
42. And fruits of whatever they desire:
43. - “Eat and drink in health and delight, a reward for what you used to do.”
44. Surely thus do We reward the doers of good deeds.
45. Woe on that day unto the falsifiers.
46. Eat and enjoy yourselves for a short while, for surely you are the guilty ones.
47. Woe on that day unto the falsifiers.
48. And when it is said to them: “Bow down,” they do not bow;
49. Woe on that day unto the falsifiers.
50. In what other word after this will they (ever) believe?

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