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The Resurrection (Al-Qiyamah) -75


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 75
75 Al-Qiyama

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Nay! I swear by the day of Resurrection!
2. Nay! I swear by the self-accusing spirit!
3. Does man think that We will never reassemble his bones?
4. Yea! We can put his very finger tips together in perfect order!
5. Nay! Man wills but to do evil before him.
6. He asks: “When is the day of resurrection to come)?”
7. So when the eye is confounded,
8. And the moon is darkened,
9. And the sun and the moon brought together,
10. Man shall cry that day: “Is there anywhere to flee?”
11. By no means! No refuge there shall ever be!
12. To your Lord (alone) shall be the place of final abode!
13. Man shall be informed on that day of whatsoever he put behind.
14. Nay! Man shall bear witness even against his own self!
15. And even if he puts forth excuses!
16. Do not move your tongue with it in haste!
17. Surely on Us is its collection and recitation!
18. So when We have recited it, then follow the recitation.
19. Again it is on Us to explain it,
20. Nay! You love but the fleeing life,
21. And neglect the life hereafter,
22. On that day, (some) faces shall be splendid,
23. To their Lord attentive,
24. And (other) faces shall be despondent,
25. Thinking that some great calamity shall befall them.
26. Nay! When it reaches the throat,
27. And it will be said: “Who is the charmer?”
28. Man shall think that it is the parting;
29. And when one leg (twists) with the other (in agony),
30. To your Lord on that day shall be the drive;
31. For he did not believe in the truth, nor did he offer regular prayers,
32. Instead he falsified the truth and turned away,
33. Then he went to his people in haughtiness;
34. Nearer to you (O man) is the destruction, and still nearer!
35. Yet again nearer to you (O man) is the destruction, and even still nearer!
36. Does man think that he will be left uncontrolled?
37. Was he not a (mere) drop of emitted sperm?
38. Then he was a clot of blood, then He created (him) and made him proportioned,
39. Then He made him of two sexes: male and female.
40. Is not He then potent enough to give life (again) to the dead?

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