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The Woman Put To Test (al-Mumtahenah) -60


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 60
60 As-Saff

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. O you who believe! Take not My foes and yours for friends: offering them your love while they deny what has come unto you of the truth, driving the Messenger and your own selves out for believing in God, your Lord. If you go forth striving in My Path and seeking My Pleasure (do not take them for friends by) manifesting to them your love in secret, and I know best what you conceal and what you reveal. Whosoever of you does so, he has indeed strayed from the Straight Path.
2. If they find any opportunity against you, they will antagonize you and will stretch forth their hands and tongues with evil to you, and they anxiously desire that you too should disbelieve.
3. Neither your relations nor your children shall avail you aught on the day of reckoning; He (alone) will decide between you, and God sees all that you do.
4. Indeed, there is for you a good pattern of Abraham and those with him. They said to their people: “Verily We dissociate ourselves from you and what you worship other than God. We renounce you, and enmity and hatred have prevailed between us forever until you believe in God alone.” But not what Abraham said to his father: “I shall certainly seek forgiveness for you, and I own nothing for you from God. Lord! On you (alone) do we rely, and to You (only) do we return! And to You (alone) is our final return.
5. “Lord! Do not expose us to a trial for those who disbelieve, and forgive us, O Lord! Verily You are the ever-Prevalent, the all-Wise.”
6. Indeed there is for you in them a good pattern (of conduct), for him who hopes in God and the Last day, and whosoever turns away, then verily God is self-Sufficient, Most Praised.
7. Maybe that God will cause friendship between you and those whom you take to be enemies among them; God is all-Powerful, and God is oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
8. God does not forbid you regarding those who have not fought you due to your religion, nor drove you out of your homes, if you show them kindness, and be just to them; verily God loves the just ones.
9. God only forbids you regarding those who waged war against you in the matter of your religion and drove you out of your own homes and aided in your expulsion, that you make friends with them. Whosoever makes friends with them are surely the unjust ones.
10. O you who believe! When believing women-refugees come to you, then ascertain them; God best knows their faith, and if you find them to be believing women, then do not return them to the disbelievers. These women are neither lawful for them nor are those men lawful for them. And give them what they have spent, and no blame shall be on you should you marry them having paid them their dowries. Hold no ties of marriage to the disbelieving women, and demand what (dowries) you have spent, and let them demand for what (dowries) they have spent. This is the Decree of God; He enforces it among you, and God is all-Knowing, all-Wise.
11. If any of your wives deserts you and join the disbelievers, and thereafter you have your turn (of triumph), then give those whose wives have deserted the equivalent of what (dowries) they have spent, and fear God in Whom you believe.
12. O (Our) Prophet (Muhammad)! When believing women come to you pledging that they will associate none with God, and that they will not steal, nor commit adultery, nor kill their own children, nor utter slander nor falsehood which they had forged themselves between their hands and feet and will not disobey you in what is fair, then accept their pledge and ask God’s forgiveness for them; verily God is oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
13. O you who believe! Do not befriend a people with whom God is angry; indeed they despair of their hereafter as the disbelievers despair of those in the graves.

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