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The Moon (Al-Qamar) -54


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 54
54 Al-Qamar (The Moon)

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Nigh has come the Hour (of reckoning) and the moon has been rent asunder,
2. And if they see a sign, they turn away and call it transient sorcery.
3. They reject and follow their vain inclinations, and every affair is unalterably fixed.
4. Indeed some of the tidings have come to them wherein there is restraint (from evil),
5. Consummate wisdom, yet the warnings did not avail them aught.
6. So withdraw yourself (O Muhammad) from them on the day when the caller calls them to the hard task (of reckoning),
7. With their eyes cast down, they shall go forth from their graves as if they were locusts scattered,
8. Hastening to the caller. The disbelievers shall say: “This is a hard day!”
9. Before them did the people of Noah reject Our Servant (Noah) and called him mad, and he was (even) driven out.
10. So he called upon his Lord: “Verily I am overcome (by these people); so, give help.”
11. We therefore opened the gates of heaven with water pouring down;
12. And We caused the earth to gush forth with springs, and the water met together for a destined purpose.
13. And We bore him on (an ark) made of planks and nails.
14. It floated under (the supervision of) Our eyes, a recompense for those who had been rejected.
15. And indeed We have left it (ark) as a sign, but is there any who remembers?
16. How (great) was then My chastisement and warning?
17. Indeed We have made the Qur’an easy (to memorize), but is there any who remembers?
18. The people of Ad rejected the truth, then how (great) was My chastisement and warning?
19. Verily We sent on them a violent wind on a day of constant ill-luck,
20. Flinging the people away as if they were uprooted palm- trunks.
21. How (great) was then My chastisement and warning?
22. And indeed We have made the Qur’an easy (to memorize), but is there any who remembers?
23. (The people of) Thamud called the warners liars,
24. They said: “A single man from among our own selves? And we are to follow him? Verily then we shall go astray and be in distress;
25. “Is it that reminding has been bestowed upon him (alone), of all people among us? Nay! He is a great liar, an insolent one!”
26. Soon shall they come to know, tomorrow, who is the liar, the insolent.
27. Verily We are going to send the she-camel as a trial for them; so watch them (O Our Messenger Salih) and be patient.
28. And make them aware beforehand that the water is to be divided between them; every drinking share shall be witnessed.
29. But they called upon their companion, and pursued (the she- camel) and hamstrung her.
30. How (great) was then My chastisement and warning?
31. Verily We sent upon them a single blast, and they became like dry stubble used by a fencer in a fence.
32. Indeed We have made the Qur’an easy (to memorize), but is there any who remembers?
33. The people of Lot rejected the warners.
34. Verily We sent upon them a stone-storm, save the followers of Lot; We saved them by early dawn,
35. A bounty from Us; thus do We recompense him who gives thanks.
36. And indeed he warned them of Our severe seizure, but they disputed about the warner.
37. Indeed they demanded him of his own guests (to satisfy their own sinful desires), so We blinded their eye (saying): “Taste then My chastisement and warning!”
38. And indeed a lasting chastisement dawned upon them in the morning;
39. - “Now taste My chastisement and warning!”
40. And indeed We have made the Qur’an easy (to memorize), but is there any who remembers?
41. The warners came to the people of Pharaoh.
42. They rejected all Our signs, so We seized them after the manner of the One, the ever-Prevalent, the Almighty.
43. Are your disbelievers (O Meccans) better people than these? Or is there an exemption for you in the sacred scriptures?
44. Or do they say: “We are a host joined together to help each other”?
45. Soon shall the host be routed, and they shall turn their backs fleeing.
46. Nay! The Hour (of reckoning) is their promised time, and the Hour shall be most grievous and bitter.
47. Verily the guilty ones are straying and are in distress.
48. On that day, they shall be dragged upon their faces into the Fire: “Taste the touch of Hell!”
49. Verily We have created everything according to a determined measure.
50. And Our command is but one word: “Be!” and it becomes, like the twinkling of the eye.
51. Indeed We have destroyed the like of you, but is there any to receive the warning?
52. Everything they have done is in the books (of deeds);
53. Every matter, small and big, is recorded in writing.
54. Verily the pious shall be in gardens and rivers.
55. In the seat of truth, with the Sovereign, the omni- Potent.

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