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The Star (An-Najm) -53


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 53
53 An-Najm (The Star)

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. By the star when it goes down,
2. Your companion (Muhammad) does not err, nor is he led astray;
3. Nor does he speak of his own inclination;
4. It is naught but a revealed revelation.
5. The one mighty in power taught him.
6. The one endued with wisdom; hence he (stately) appeared,
7. While he was in the highest horizon,
8. Then he drew nigh and became so close to him,
9. As close as the distance between two bows or nigher still,
10. Then He revealed to His servant what He revealed.
11. His heart did not reject what he saw.
12. Do you then dispute with him as to what he saw?
13. And indeed he saw him at another descent,
14. At the sidra (lote-tree) of the all-Comprehensive Terminus,
15. Nigh to it is the garden-abode.
16. When the sidra is covered by that which covers it;
17. Neither did his eye dazzle, nor did it rebel.
18. Indeed he saw of the greatest signs of his Lord.
19. Do you then see the Lat and the Uzza?
20. And Manat, the third one, too?
21. Are the males yours and the females His?
22. This indeed is an unjust division;
23. They are nothing but (mere) names which you and your fathers have named. God sent no authority for them. They follow but a conjecture and what their own selves are inclined to; indeed, right guidance has now come to them from their Lord.
24. Shall man have whatever he wishes?
25. Nay! God’s is the life hereafter, and the former one.
26. How many an angel in heaven are those whose intercession is of no avail at all save that whom God permits and with whom He is pleased?
27. Verily those who do not believe in the hereafter give the angels female names.
28. They have no knowledge of it at all; they follow nothing but a conjecture; verily conjecture avails the truth nothing at all.
29. Turn aside, therefore, from him who turns his back against Our reminder and desires nothing but the life of this world,
30. That is the last reach of their knowledge; verily your Lord knows best who is astray from His Path and He knows best who is guided aright.
31. And God’s is everything in the heavens and in the earth that He may reward those who do evil for what they did, and that He may reward those who do good with what is best.
32. Those who do avoid the great ones of the sins and shameful deeds save accidentally; verily your Lord is (the Lord of) vast forgiveness; He knows best about you when He raised you from the earth and when you are embryos in the wombs of your mothers; so assert no purity of your own selves; He knows best he who guards (himself against evil).
33. Have you then seen the one who has turned his back?
34. He gives a little and withholds (more).
35. Is the knowledge of the unseen with him?
36. Or has he not been told of what is in the scriptures of Moses?
37. And of Abraham who fully discharged his mission?
38. That no bearer of a burden shall bear the burden of another,
39. And that there is none for man save what he strives for,
40. And that his striving shall soon be scrutinized.
41. Then he shall be rewarded to the fullest measure,
42. And that to your Lord is the end of all,
43. And verily He it is Who causes one to laugh or to weep,
44. And that He it is Who causes death and grants life,
45. And He it is Who creates pairs, male and female,
46. From the sperm when it is discharged;
47. And that on Him (alone) is the raising for a second time,
48. And that He it is Who enriches and bestows contentment,
49. And that He it is Who is the Lord of Sirius,
50. And that He destroyed (the mighty) Ad of ancient times,
51. And He did not spare Thamud,
52. Nor the people of Noah before them; verily they were the most unjust, the most transgressing.
53. And the One Who overthrew the overthrown cities is but He;
54. So, they were covered with whatever covered them,
55. About which of the bounties of your Lord do you then dispute?
56. This (Muhammad) is a warner (like those) of the old times.
57. The Hour (of reckoning) ever draws nigh;
58. None is there to lay it bare other than God.
59. Do you wonder even at this statement?
60. And you laugh and do not weep?
61. And you still sport (indifferently)?
62. Prostrate, therefore, in obeisance to God and worship Him alone.

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