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The Scatterers (Al-Dariyat) -51


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 51
51 Adh-Dhariyat

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. By the scatterers that scatter,
2. Then by those that bear their load,
3. Then those that speed lightly along,
4. Then by those that distribute the apportion as commanded,
5. Verily what you are threatened is certainly true,
6. And the judgment shall surely come to pass.
7. And by the heavens with its starry highways,
8. Verily you are in discordance in what you say.
9. He will be turned away from it who is to be turned away.
10. Accursed by the conjecturers,
11. Who in the abyss (of ignorance) is a wanderer,
12. They ask: “What is the day of Judgment?”
13. On that day, they shall be tried over the Fire.
14. - “Taste (now) your trial; this is what you sought to hasten on.”
15. Verily the pious shall be in gardens and springs,
16. Receiving what their Lord gives them; verily they were before that the doers of good deeds,
17. Little of the night was that they used to sleep.
18. And in the (hours) before the dawn did they pray for forgiveness.
19. And in their property was a share due to the needy and the destitute.
20. And in the earth are signs for those who are true in faith,
21. And also in your own selves; will you not then discern?
22. And in the heaven is your sustenance, and also what you are promised.
23. And by the Lord of the heavens and the earth; verily it (Qur’an) is certainly the truth, just as you speak.
24. Has the story of Abraham’s honoured guests come to you?
25. When they (angels) entered upon him, they said: “Peace!” He said: “Peace, strangers.”
26. Then he turned aside to his family and brought a fat (roasted) calf,
27. And he set it near them. Said he: “Do not you eat?”
28. And he conceived fear of them. They said: “Do not be afraid,” and they conveyed to him the glad tidings of a son blessed with knowledge.
29. Then his wife came forward in grief and said: “(I am but) an old barren woman.”
30. They said: “Thus does your Lord say; verily He is the all-Wise, the all-Knowing.”
31. He said: “What then is your errand, O messengers?”
32. They said: “We are sent to a criminal people,
33. “That we may send down upon them stones of clay,
35. And We brought forth those who were there in (the town) of the believers.
36. But We found none there save one house of the Muslims.
37. And We left therein a sign for those who dread the painful chastisement.
38. And in Moses (was a sign); We sent him to Pharaoh with manifest authority.
39. But (Pharaoh) turned away with his forces and said: “A sorcerer, or a madman.”
40. So We seized him and his hosts, and We cast them into the sea for he was a reprobate.
41. And in Ad when We sent upon them the desolating wind,
42. It left naught upon which it came but reduced it to ruin.
43. And in Thamud, when it was said to them: “Enjoy yourselves for a while.”
44. But they rebelled against the Command of their Lord, so the rumbling seized them, while they were yet looking on.
45. Then they could not even rise, nor could they help their own selves.
46. And the people of Noah before that; verily they were wicked people.
47. And the heavens We raised up with Our might, and verily We are the expanders.
48. And the earth We spread out; how excellent the spreaders!
49. And of everything We have created in pairs that you may reflect.
50. - “So flee to God! Verily I am a plain warner to you.
51. “Set no other gods with God; verily I am a plain warner to you.”
52. Even so there came no messenger to them before but they said: “A sorcerer or a madman.”
53. Have they charged this to one another? Nay! They are a rebellious people.
54. Then turn your back upon them for you are not to be blamed;
55. And remind them, for verily reminding avails the believers.
56. I created the jinn and man so that they might worship Me.
57. I desire no sustenance from them, nor do I desire that they should feed Me.
58. Verily God alone is the bestower of sustenance, the Lord of unbreakable strength.
59. So verily those who are unjust shall have a share (of the burden) like the share their fellows had borne before; therefore, let them not ask Me to hasten it on.
60. Woe, therefore, unto those who disbelieve because of the day of theirs they are promised!

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