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Back You are here: Home Eternal Words The Holy Qur'an English Translation The Winding Sand-tracts (al-Ahqaf) -46

The Winding Sand-tracts (al-Ahqaf) -46


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 46
46 Al-Ahqaf

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Ha, Meem.
2. The revelation of this Book (Qur’an) is from God, the Almighty, the all-Wise.
3. We did not create the heavens and the earth and what is between them save with truth, and for a determined term; yet those who disbelieve turn away from what they are warned.
4. Say: “Have you seen what you called upon besides God? Show me what part of the earth they created, or if there is any share for them in the heavens. Bring me a book before this, or traces of knowledge, if you are truthful.”
5. Who is more astray than he who calls upon others besides God, such that will not respond to him till the Day of Judgment, and they are not even aware of being invoked?
6. When people are gathered together, they shall be hostile to them, and there shall be those who would deny their worship.
7. When Our clear signs are recited to them, those who disbelieve in the truth when it comes to them say: “This is but open sorcery.”
8. Or do they say that he has forged it? Say: “If I have forged it, then you have naught for me against (the Wrath of) God. He knows best what you utter about it; He suffices for witness between me and you, and He is the oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”
9. Say: “I am not the first of the messengers. I do not know what will happen to me or to you; I only follow what is revealed to me, and I am but an open warner.”
10. Say: “Do you see if (this Qur’an) is from God and you still disbelieve in it (although) a witness from among the children of Israel has testified to its similarity (with its predecessors), and has believed therein? Yet you even pride in exalting yourselves! Verily God does not guide the unjust people.”
11. Those who disbelieve say about those who believe: “Had it been good, they would not have gone ahead of us to it.” Since they do not seek to be guided by it, they say: “This is only a lie of old.”
12. Before it, the Book of Moses was a guide and mercy, and this (Qur’an) is a Book confirming it in the Arabic language that it may warn those who are unjust, and contains glad tidings for the doers of good.
13. Verily those who say “Our Lord is God” and are firm on the Right Path, there shall be no fear for them, nor shall they grieve.
14. They shall be the inmates of the garden, abiding therein (forever), a recompense for what they did.
15. We have enjoined man to be good to his parents. His mother bore him in pain, and delivered him in pain, and his weaning is thirty months, until, when he attains his maturity and reaches forty years, he says: “Lord! Bestow upon me and my parents that I may do good deeds to please You, and do good to me in respect to my offspring; verily I turn to You (repentant), and I am one of the Muslims.”
16. These are they from whom We accept the best of what they have done and pass by their evil, (they shall be) among the dwellers of the garden, a promise of truth which they were promised.
17. But (there is one) who says to his parents: “Fie upon you both! You promise me that I shall be brought forth (from the grave alive) when many generations have passed away before me?” and they both implore God’s aid saying: “Woe unto you! Believe, for verily the promise of God is true;” then he will say: “This is naught but stories of the ancient.”
18. These are they against whom the sentence has been proven among the people of the jinn and the men that have passed away before them; verily they were the losers.
19. And for all are ranks according to what they used to do, and that He may (fully) reward their deeds, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly.
20. On the Day when those who disbelieved shall be exposed to the Fire: “You did away with your good things in the life of the world, and you took your fill of pleasure in them; this Day, therefore, you shall be recompensed with shameful chastisement for what you used to act in arrogance on earth without any right, and for what you used to transgress.”
21. Remember the brother of Ad when he warned his people of al-Ahqaf, and (while) indeed warners have been sent before him and after him: “Worship none but God! Verily I fear for you the chastisement of a grievous Day.”
22. They said: “Do you come to us to turn us away from our gods? Then bring upon us what you threaten us with if you are truthful.”
23. He said: “The knowledge of it is only with God. I only convey to you the message with which I am sent, but I see you a people who are ignorant.”
24. So when they saw (the punishment in the form of) a cloud advancing to their valleys, they said: “This is a cloud which will give us rain.” Nay! It is what you sought to hasten on, a blast of a violent wind in which there is a painful chastisement.
25. Destroying everything by the command of its Lord; so they became unseen, even thus do We reward the guilty people.
26. And certainly We had firmly established them (in a way that) We never established for you. We bestowed upon them ears, eyes and hearts, but neither their hearing, nor sight, nor hearts availed them aught, since they rejected the signs of God, and they were encircled by that which they used to mock.
27. And indeed We destroyed (many) of the towns which are around you, and We displayed Our signs that they might turn (to Us).
28. Why then did not those whom they took for gods besides God, hoping that they would bring them closer to God, assist them? Nay! They failed them, and this was but their lie and what they used to forge.
29. When We turned to you, the party of jinn, who came unto you, listened to the Qur’an; they said: “Be silent!” Then when the recital was finished, they returned to their people to warn;
30. They said: “O people! Verily we have heard a Book revealed after the time of Moses testifying to what was before it, guiding to the truth and to a Straight Path.
31. “O people! Respond to the Summoner of God and believe in Him. He will forgive your sins and guard you against a painful torment.”
32. Whosoever does not respond to the Summoner of God, he cannot frustrate God’s will in the world, and for him there shall be no guardian other than Him; these are in manifest error.
33. Have they not seen that God, Who created the heavens and the earth, and their creation did not wary Him, has power to give life to the dead? Aye! Verily He is powerful over all things.
34. On the Day when those who disbelieved shall be exposed to the Fire: “Is this not justice?” They shall say: “Aye! By our Lord!” Then He will say: “Taste (now) the chastisement for what you used to disbelieve.”
35. Bear with patience, therefore, as the messengers endowed with uncompromising determination did, and do not seek to hasten (their doom) for them; on the Day when they see what they were promised, it shall be as though they did not tarry but an hour of the day; (a clear) deliverance Who shall then be destroyed other than transgressing people?

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