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Back You are here: Home Library Ahllul-Bayt Contribution of Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) to Science and Philosophy THEORY OF OPACITY AND TRANSPARENCY OF MATERIALS


Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) made many discoveries in physics which no one had even dreamt of before him and no one could think of after him. One of the laws worked out by him is about opacity and transparency of materials. He said that materials which are solid and absorbent are opaque, and materials which are solid and repellent are more or less transparent. When he was asked about the thing which is absorbed by an opaque material he replied, “HEAT.”
Today this theory is one of the Laws of Physics. How wonderful it is that in the 2nd century A.H. (7th century A.D.) he could enunciate such a new and unique theory.
If we put the question to one hundred persons today as to why one substance is opaque and the other transparent, not even one of them will give the correct answer. According to the law of physics anything which conducts heat, electricity and magnetic waves is opaque, but those things which are poor conductors of heat, electricity and magnetic waves are transparent.
His discoveries were not confined to the field of science only. He made great contributions to other branches of knowledge as well. We shall discuss some of them in the next chapter.


Imam Reza (AS) Network

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