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Back You are here: Home Eternal Words Nahj al-Balaghah Sermons SERMON 167 - Delivered at the Inception of his Caliphate

SERMON 167 - Delivered at the Inception of his Caliphate

Fulfillment of rights and obligations and advice to fear Allah in all matters:
Allah, the One Glorified by all, has revealed [for you] a Book of guidance wherein He has explained virtue and vice. You should adopt the course of virtue whereby you will have guidance and keep aloof from the path of vice so that you may remain on the right path. (Mind) the obligations, (mind) the obligations! Fulfill them for the sake of pleasing Allah and they will take you to Paradise. Surely, Allah has made unlawful the things which are not unknown and made lawful the things which are without defect. He has declared paying regard to Muslims as the highest of all regards. He has placed the rights of Muslims in the same level (of importance) as devotion (to Him and to His oneness). Therefore, a Muslim is one from whose tongue and hand every (other) Muslim is safe except in the matter relevant to the truth. It is not, therefore, lawful to assault a Muslim except when it is obligatory.
Hasten towards the most common matter which is peculiar to everyone, and it is death. Certainly, people (who have already gone) are ahead of you while the hour (Day of Judgment) is driving you from behind. Remain light, in order that you may overtake them. Your backs are being protected for the sake of protecting the fronts. Fear Allah in the matter of His creatures and His cities because you will be questioned even about lands and beasts. Obey Allah and do not disobey Him. When you witness virtue (being done) adopt it, and when you witness vice (being committed) avoid it.

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