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Back You are here: Home Library shiism Hadith al­-Thaqalayn A Study of Its Tawatur The Various Occasions Related to Hadith al­Thaqalayn

The Various Occasions Related to Hadith al­Thaqalayn - 3. In the Mosque of Madinah:

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3. In the Mosque of Madinah:

Ibn `Atiyyah in the introduction of his tafsir, al­Muharrar al­wajiz, i, 34 records the following narration:

    ...It is narrated that he (i.e. the Prophet) - upon whom be peace - said in the last sermon that he delivered during his illness: "O people, I leave behind two precious things (thaqalayn) amongst you...: the Book of God - which is a rope between Him and you, whose one end is in His hand and whose other end is in your hands ­ so act according to its muhkamat and believe in its mutashabihat; consider as lawful that which it regards as lawful and consider as forbidden that which it regards as unlawful - and my `Itrah and my Ahl al­Bayt, who are the second thaql. So don't outstrip them (fa la tasbiquhum ), for then you shall perish."

Unfortunately in the printed versions of it fa la tasbiquhum has been altered as fa la tasbi`uhum (a meaningless expression). This tradition has also been narrated by:

    Abu Hayyan in his tafsir, al­Bahr al­muhit, i, 12 (with identical wording, except that in a published version of it there is fa la tasubbuhum, i.e. so don't curse them, instead of fa la tasbiquhum);
    Ibn Hajar, al­Sawa`iq al­muhriqah, 75, 136;
    Yahya ibn al­Hasan, Akhbar al­Madinah with his isnad from Jabir, as cited in Yanabi` al­mawaddah, 40.

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