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The House of Grief

When political opposition fails, silent protest starts. This kind of protest can be more effective than the first, because in addition to having the benefits of offending and disapproving of the opponent's acts, it also gives the person the chance of keeping calm and tranquil. Lady Fatima Zahra (A.S.) acted in such a manner when she realized that with the weaknesses, which afflicted her, she could not prevail.

So she took refuge in a house in Baqi' near the tombs of martyrs, to cry for her father and complain to him about that which grieved her. Fatima (A.S.) used to visit the great tomb of her father and take handful of the dirt from his grave and smell it then begin weeping.

Fatima (A.S.)would then return to her home and cry day and night. The elderly men of Medina came to Imam Ali (A.S.) complaining and said:

'Abu Al-Hassan! Fatima cries day and night so none of us can sleep comfortably. Hence, we demand you to ask her to either cry during the day or the night."

Imam Ali (A.S.) replied: "Most gladly"
He then proceeded towards Fatima who was crying; when she saw him approaching, she stopped and Imam Ali (A.S.) said:
"Daughter of Allah's Messenger, the elderly men of Medina have asked me to ask you to either cry during the day or the night."
Fatima answered:
"Abu Al-Hassan, how short will my stay among them be? And soon I will depart from them. Therefore, by Allah, I join my father-Allah 's Messenger (P.B.U.H.)."

When Imam Ali (A.S.) saw her insistence, he built a house for her behind Baqi' which later became known as "The house of griefs." Thereafter, with every sunrise, Fatima (A.S.) would take Al-Hassan and Al-Hussain to that house and cry until sunset, when Imam Ali (A.S.) would come and bring them back home.

Once, Lady Fatima Zahra (A.S.) longed for the sound of Adhan-the call for prayer-which was performed by Bilal. But Bilal had taken an oath to never perform it again after the Prophet's death; nevertheless, in respect to Fatima's request, he decided to do so. Yet, as soon as Bilal said: 'Allahu Akbar," Fatima (A.S.) remembered the era of her great father (P.B.U.H.) and started weeping, so that when Bilal said:
"I bear witness that Muhammad is His worshipper and Messenger," Fatima took a deep breath and fell unconscious. When Fatima (A.S.) fell, the people requested Bilal to stop Adhan, because they believed that Fatima had died.

Now that the voice of rejection seized to reveal that which was in Fatima's heart, the language of tears spoke out for her; and as it is correctly said: "The language of tears, is more painful to the heart and sadder to the eyes"!!

Taken from : Fatima (SA) The Gracious by Abu Muhammad Ordoni


#1 saiqa qazmi 2012-04-28 02:48
i like this.

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