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Treating the Brothers Kindly

Treating the Brothers Kindly:
Treating the brothers kindly is a branch of rendering help to them. AlSâdiq. peace be on him, urged Muslims very much to treat each other kindly. In his commandments to JamTl b. Darrâj, he said:” It is an act of pure belief is to treat the brothers kindly and to satisfy their needs. The Merciful (Allah) loves him who treats his brothers kindly.... Jamil, tell your honorable companions about this tradition. He (Jamil) said: “May I be ransom for you, who are my honorable companions?” He said:” Those who treat their brothers kindly during poverty and riches.”’[1]
In his foregoing commandments to Abid Allah b. Jundub, al- Sadiq said:” Indeed, to move the feet to visit the brothers and to treat them kindly is the best way to worship Allah.”
As treating the brothers kindly is great with Allah, the Exalted, the Satan does his best to prevent man from doing that, In these commandments he said:” Bin Jundub, the Satan has snares to catch (people) so, beware of his snares.” He (Bin Jundub) said:” Son of the Prophet of Allah, what are his snares?” He (the Prophet) said:” As for his snares, he (the Satan) prevent you from treating your brothers kindly.”
Notes: _______________________________________
1 Wasa’il al- Shi’a.
Taken From : Imam Al-Sadiq By Shaykh Mohammed al-Husayn al-Muzaffar , Translator : Jasim al-Rasheed

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