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Back You are here: Home Infallibles Ja'far ibn Muhammad His Commandments The Rights of Brothers

The Rights of Brothers

The Rights of Brothers:
Brothers have many rights. It is difficult for us to count them, and we do not want to search what has been mentioned on them in this connection However, we will mention only one tradition. The tradition is enough for the brother to treat his brother kindly when he puts it into effect. Al- Sâdiq, peace be on him, said to al- Mu’alla b. KhanTs that the brother has seven rights. They are: The first right: You should love to him what you love to your self and hate to him what you hate to your self. The second right: You should avoid making him angry, follow his pleasure, and obey his orders. The third right: You should help him with your self, your money, your tongue, .your hand, and your leg. The fourth right: You should be his eye, his guide, and his mirror. The fifth right: You should not be full, while he is hungry. You should not quench your thirst, while he is thirsty. You should not clothe your self, while he is naked. The sixth right: When you have a servant, and your brother has no servant, so you should sent him your servant to wash his clothes, to fix his food, and to prepare his bed. The seventh right: You carry out his oath, accept his invitation, visit his ill ones, participate in his funeral procession. When you know that he has a need, you should hasten to fulfill it. You should not force him to request it (the need) from you, but you should hasten to (fulfill it) of your own accord. When you do that, you relaae your friendship to his friendship, and his friendship toyoa friendship”[2]
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1 Wasa il al- Shi’a, 8154417.
Taken From : Imam Al-Sadiq By Shaykh Mohammed al-Husayn al-Muzaffar , Translator : Jasim al-Rasheed

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