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The Prophet's Prayer In The Kaaba

The Prophet’s Prayer In The Kaaba


On the second day of the revelation and prophethood, the Prophet (p.b.u.h) went to the Kaaba and offered the prayer in it.[1] Khadijah and Imam Ali (p.b.u.h) offered the prayer behind him, and this was the first prayer in Islam offered in the Holy Kaaba.
This prayer was a matter of wonder and astonishment. Afif al-Kindi narrated, “Once in the pre-Islamic era, I came to Mecca intending to buy from its clothes and perfumes to my family. I went to al-Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib who was a merchant. While I was sitting with him looking at the Kaaba and the sun was high in the sky, a young man came, looked at the sky, and stood up towards the Kaaba. After no long, a young boy came and stood on his (the young man) right, and then a woman came and stood on his left.

The young man bowed down, and the young boy and the woman bowed down like him. Then, the young man prostrated and the young boy and the woman did the same. I said astonishedly, ‘O Abbas, it is a wonder!’

Al-Abbas said, ‘Yes, it is a wonder. Do you know who this young man is?’
I said, ‘No.’ 

He said, ‘He is my nephew Muhammad bin Abdullah. Do you know who this young boy is? He is Ali bin Abi Talib. Do you know who this woman is? She is Khadijah his (Muhammad) wife.
My nephew (he pointed to Muhammad) told me that his god, the god of the heaven and the earth, has ordered him of this religion on which he is. By Allah, there is no one on the whole earth on this religion other than these three ones.’”[2]

Circumambulating the Kaaba

The Prophet (p.b.u.h) circumambulated the Kaaba, and it was the first Islamic circumambulation around the Kaaba. Abdullah bin Mas’ud narrated, “The first thing I knew about the matter (religion) of the messenger of Allah (p.b.u.h) was that once I came to the Kaaba with some of my relatives and we were guided to al-Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib.

We came to him while he was sitting at the well of Zamzam. We sat with him. While we were still with him, a man came from the as-Safa Gate. He was white with some reddishness. He had thick, curled hair until the middle of his ears. He had small nose, shining white front teeth, black eyes, thick beard, thin neck, and big hands and feet.

He had two white garments on as if he was the full moon of the fifteenth night. After him there was a beautiful, beardless, young boy; a teenager or adult, followed by a woman veiling all her body. He (the man) went toward the (Black) Rock and kissed it, and then the young boy kissed it and then did the woman. Then he circumambulated the House (the Kaaba) seven times, and the young boy and the woman circumambulated with him. We said, ‘O Abul Fadhl (al-Abbas), we did not know this religion among you.

Has anything happened?’ 
Al-Abbas said, ‘This is my nephew Muhammad, the boy is Ali bin Abi Talib, and the woman is Khadijah.’

Ibn Mas’ud added, ‘By Allah, there is no one on the face of the earth that we know worshipping Allah by this religion except these three persons.’”[3] This was a virtue to Khadijah and Imam Ali (p.b.u.h) that no one other than them had won.

Notes :

[1] Tahthib al-Kamal, vol. 20 p. 185. It is mentioned that “the Prophet became a prophet on Monday and offered the prayer in the Kaaba on Tuesday”.
[2] Khasa’is an-Nassa’iy, p. 3, Musnad of Ahmed bin Hanbal, vol. 1 p. 309, at-Tabaqat al-Kubra by ibn Sa’d, vol. 8 p. 10.
[3] Majma’ az-Zawa’id, vol. 9 p. 222, Kanzol Ummal, vol. 7 p. 56.

Taken from : The Life of Muhammad The Greatest Liberator The Holiest Prophet ,Author: Allama Baqir Shareef al-Qurashi ,Translator: Abdullah al-Shahin

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