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In the cave of Hara'

In the cave of Hara’


The Prophet’s missionary and intellectual life began from the Cave of Hara’.[1] He stayed their away from the noise of life pondering on the universe and the irrefutable signs in it that proved the existence of the Great Creator. He looked at the planets and his faith and certainty in the greatness of Allah the Almighty, the Creator of the universe and Giver of life, grew more and more.
What increased his pains were the deviation, ignorance, and foolishness of his people who worshipped idols away from Allah the Almighty. Those idols did not create, give, harm, or benefit. The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said with himself: Where is reason? Where is the truth? Why do these people live in darkness that had no glitter of light?! Why do they worship idols and live astray? He pitied them and thought with himself: they must be guided and saved from this deviation…

He was distressed and sad for his people and Allah announced that in the Qur'an by saying, (It may be that you fret yourself with grief because they do not believe).[2]
The Cave of Hara’ was the source of light in this planet that we live on, and it was this mountain from which the lights of guidance glittered in Mecca and spread then to all peoples and nations of the earth.

Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) stayed in the Cave of Hara’ worshipping and glorifying Allah the Almighty. He was certain that he would be the reformer and savior of humanity who would spread monotheism in the earth and do away with idolatry, and that he was the coming prophet whom the Divine Books had brought good news about.

He was certain with no doubt that he would be the messenger of Allah for all human beings with their different races and languages. In the cave, he pondered deeply on reforming and guiding human beings and spreading knowledge and understanding among them all to get rid of their ignorance and bad habits.

The Revelation

The beginning of the revelation was in that blessed cave of Hara’ when Muhammad (p.b.u.h) was forty years old. It was on the first of February in the year 610 AD as fixed by Mahmud Basha al-Falaki (astronomer), falling on the seventeenth of Ramadan, thirteen years before the hijra.

Gabriel brought down the holy mission to Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) beginning with the Sura of Iqra’.[3] The Prophet (p.b.u.h) declared that he could not read. Gabriel repeated the command for the second and the third time and then the Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, “What shall I read?”

Gabriel revealed,
(Read in the name of your Lord Who created. He created man from a clot. Read and your Lord is Most Honorable, Who taught by the pen. Taught man what he knew not.)[4] Muhammad (p.b.u.h) read it and it was engraved inside his heart, and then the Angel left.[5] 

The Prophet (p.b.u.h) came back to Mecca while his holy soul was filled with fright and fear of Allah the Almighty, but he submitted to undertake that great responsibility to save people from their ignorance and deviation. Gabriel was following after him along the way and congratulating him on this great and high position near Allah the Almighty.

Notes :

[1] Hara’ is a mountain near Mecca.
[2] Qur'an, 26:3.
[3] Iqra’ means ‘read’ in imperative form.
[4] Qur'an, 96:1-5.
[5] As-Seera an-Nabawiyyah by ibn Hisham, vol. 1 p. 154.

Taken from : The Life of Muhammad The Greatest Liberator The Holiest Prophet ,Author: Allama Baqir Shareef al-Qurashi ,Translator: Abdullah al-Shahin

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