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13. Ram?y of the Jamaraat

13. Ram?y of the Jamaraat

505. The thirteenth rite of the Hajj is the Ram?y of the Jamaraat in the Days of Tashreeq.  It is obligatory to perform the Ram?y ? stoning ? of the three Jamaraat ? Obelisks ? on the days of 11th and 12th, and also on the day of the 13th if he observed the mabeet in Mina that evening.  The three Jamaraat are the Sughra [Lesser], the Wusta [Middle], and the Kubra [Greater] ones.
506. It is obligatory to Ram?y (stone) each of the three Jamaraat with seven stones, as mentioned earlier in the section of the Ram?y on the Day of Eid.

507. It is obligatory to comply with the order of Ram?y or stoning the Jamaraat;
?   First to stone Lesser Jamara, which is the closest Jamara to Mina,
?   Then the Middle Jamara, which is the one after,
?   Then Jamarat-ul-Aqabah also known as Kubra or the Greater, which is the one stoned on the day of Eid, last of the Jamaraat to be stoned.
508. If one stoned the Jamaraat without adhering to the order mentioned, say if he started with Jamarat-ul-Aqabah or the Wusta, he should repeat the Ram?y adhering to the order mentioned.
509. The time for performing the Ram?y ? stoning ? of the Jamaraat is from sunrise to sunset, which is the Designated time.  It is permissible for the excused to perform the Ram?y during the nighttime under emergency circumstances, like women, the sick, the shepherd, the log collector, and the fearing (who can perform the Ram?y during the night instead of day).  If the excused cannot perform the Ram?y on every night, then he can do so by performing the rites of the three nights in one night.
510. If one performed the Ram?y ? stoning ? of the Sughra Jamara for four times or more and then, due to oversight, proceeded to the next Jamara to perform the stoning seven times, it is satisfactory to amend for the missing throws.  However, if he stoned [the Sughra Jamara] three times or less, he must repeat the stoning of the Sughra Jamara and then repeat the stoning of the one after it.  If the deficiency concerned the third Jamara (al-Aqabah) he should throw to make up for the shortfall only.
511. If one stoned the Sughra Jamara, which is stoned first, four times or more, and stoned the second and the third Jamara seven times [each], it is sufficient for him to make up for the missing throws of the first Jamara, without the need to return to the second and the third [Jamara].  However, if he had stoned [the first] less than four times, it is obligatory for him to repeat [the Ram?y] of the three Jamaraat in [correct] order.
512. If he stoned the Sughra Jamara seven times, then [stoned] the second [Jamara] three times, and then [stoned] the third [Jamara] seven times, he must repeat the stoning of the second and the third Jamara seven times each, and he does not need to repeat [the stoning of] the first.  If he stoned the second four times, but the first and third seven times each, it is sufficient for him to make up for the missing throws of the second Jamara only. 
However, as a mostahab precaution, in all cases one should repeat [the stoning of] all three Jamaraat if the order and continuity was breached.
513. If the Haajj forgot to perform the Ram?y on one of the days of Mina, or deliberately failed to do so, he is obliged to perform it ? as qadha? ? on the following day.  He should start to perform the Ram?y for the day he has missed, and then [upon completion] perform the Ram?y for the current day.  It is mostahab ? desirable ? to perform the missed Ram?y of the previous day [soon] after sunrise, and that for the current day by midday.
514. If he missed [the stoning] one of the Jamaraat, and he does not know whether it was the first (Sughra), or the second, or the Aqabah, he is obliged to repeat the stoning of the three Jamaraat in order, starting from the first, (the Sughra), then the second, and then the Aqabah.  The same applies if he missed hitting a Jamara four times and he does not know which Jamara it is.  If he missed less than four [times] for a Jamara, and he is not sure which one it is, he should repeat the Ram?y for the three Jamaraat, but order of the Jamaraat is not obligatory.
515. If he scored four and missed three, but he was not sure whether these [missed ones] were for one [Jamara] or more, he is obliged to stone each one of them [the Jamaraat] with three stones in order, starting with the first (the Sughra), then the Wusta, followed by the Aqabah.  If he hit the target three times and missed four, he should repeat the Ram?y anew.
516. If one forgot to perform the Ram?y of the three Jamaraat, and entered Makkah but then remembered his oversight, it is obligatory for him to return to Mina to do so.  If one did not remember his oversight until he left Makkah, he must perform it as qadha? the following year, or appoint an agent to do so on his behalf.  If one deliberately failed to perform it, his Hajj is not corrupted and as a mostahab precaution he must perform it as qadha? the following year.
517. If a woman threw three stones, but then could not continue to complete [the Ram?y], if delaying for later on the day, and resuming the Ram?y was possible for her without difficulty, then she may not appoint an agent to do the Ram?y on her behalf.  Otherwise Ram?y by proxy is permissible for her, provided the order and continuity [of the Ram?y] is maintained, as a precaution.  If the woman delayed the Ram?y, and performed it as qadha? in the following day, it is considered qualified.
518. It is permissible for a woman to perform the Ram?y by proxy if she is apprehensive about the overcrowding.
519. If a sick person does not consider himself able to perform the Ram?y when it is due, if he picks the stones in his hand and someone else helps him to throw them he should do so.  Otherwise he could do so by proxy.  If the person concerned recovered during the period of Ram?y, as a mostahab precaution he should also perform the Ram?y himself.
520. If one completed the rites of Mina in the three days mentioned and performed the Ram?y in each of those days, he has concluded the rites of his Hajj, if he had also finished the rites of Makkah.  He is therefore able to return back to his hometown.  However, it is preferred that he returns to Makkah to perform Tawaaf al-Widaa? ? the Farewell tawaaf ? for it is mostahab.

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