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Chapter Seven: Practices of Mecca al-Mukarramah

Chapter Seven: Practices of Mecca al-Mukarramah

The obligatory practices at Mecca are five:
1- Tawāf of hajj (called visiting tawāf);
2- Its tawāf prayer;
3- Sa‘y between Safā and Marwah;
4- Tawāf al-nisa'; and
5- Its tawāf prayer.

Issue 366. It is permissible, even mustahÌ£abb, after completing the practices of the day of ‘Ä«d to return to Mecca the same day to perform the remaining practices of hajj i.e. the two tawāfs, their prayers and sa‘y. It is also permissible to delay them until last day of tashrÄ«q or even to the last days of the month of Dhu'l-Hijjah.
Issue 367. The method of the tawāfs, their prayers and sa‘y are the same as those of ‘umrah and differ only in intention i.e. here one must intend to perform them for hajj.
Issue 368. Under normal conditions, it is not permissible to put these practices ahead before the wuqÅ«f at ‘Arafāt and Mash‘ar and the practices of Minā. However, it is permissible to advance the two tawāfs and their prayers for some groups:
First: Women, if they are afraid that their menses or puerperium (nifas) might happen after returning to Mecca and they would not be able to wait till they are purified.
Second: Men and women who are unable to perform the tawāf after returning to Mecca due to crowdedness or those who would never able to return to Mecca at all.
Third: Sick persons who are unable to perform the tawāf after returning to Mecca due to crowdedness or even the fear of such.
Issue 369. If one of the mentioned groups had put the two tawāfs, their prayers and sa‘y ahead and the excuse ceased to exist after that, they are not obliged to repeat them, although repetition goes with caution.
Issue 370. Whoever advances the practices of Mecca for an excuse, like the above mentioned groups, using perfume and enjoying women for him would never be ḥalāl but after ḥalq or taqsīr, i.e. after doing them all ḥarām things will be ḥalāl for him.
Issue 371. Tawāf al-nisa' and its prayer are obligatory but not considered as rukns i.e. if one neglects them deliberately, his hajj would not be void but women, then, would not be ḥalāl for him.
Issue 372. Tawāf al-nisa' is not only for men, but for women and others as well. So if a man neglects it, women would not be ḥalāl for him and vice versa.
Issue 373. Under normal conditions it is not permissible to advance sa‘y before the tawāf of hajj or its prayer. It is again impermissible in these conditions to advance tawāf al-nisa' before them or before the sa‘y. So if one breaks this succession, he / she should repeat them.
Issue 374. If one, inattentively neglected tawāf al-nisa' and went back to his country, then if he could return and do it without difficulty, he should do it; otherwise he should appoint a na'ib for that. For such a person, women would not become hÌ£alāl unless tawāf and its prayer are performed by himself or by the nā’ib. The rule is the same if tawāf al-nisa' had been neglected deliberately.
Issue 375. The same things and practices which become hÌ£arām during ihÌ£rām for ‘umrah become so during ihÌ£rām for hajj and getting released from them is gradual and in 3 steps:
First: After ḥalq or taqsīr everything becomes ḥalāl for the pilgrim except women and using perfume. Even hunting would become ḥalāl in general, although it is ḥarām to do it inside the Ḥaram.
Second: After sa‘y using perfume becomes hÌ£alāl.
Third: After tawāf al-nisa' women becomes ḥalāl.

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