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Question Paper on Lesson 20

Question Paper on Lesson 20

 Question 1:      [30 points]

True or False:

 (a)    Muslims believe that death is the end of our existence.

(b)   “Barzakh” refers to the period from time of death to the day of Resurrection.

(c)    Questioning in the grave is not an essential part of the faith.

(d)   Paradise and Hell are just metaphors and not a reality.

(e)    The angels will question you in the grave.

(f)     Those who are killed in the way of Allāh are alive only in the symbolic sense; not in the real sense.

(g)    Barzakh will be a sample of what one will get in the hereafter.

(h)    The hadith describing the “six beautiful youths” was narrated by Imam Hasan bin ‘Ali (a.s.).

(i)      Wilāyat and love of the Ahlu ’l-Bayt of Muhammad (peace be upon him) will help the believers during the period of Barzakh.

(j)     Death is a doorway or a passage to the eternal life in the hereafter.

Question 2:      [20 points]

Explain how the saying of Imam ‘Ali quoted at the end of the lesson affected you.

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