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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 47 Intrigue,Deception & Breaking Covenants Cheating and Tricking with Allah (S.w.T.)

Cheating and Tricking with Allah (S.w.T.)

Cheating and Tricking with Allah (S.w.T.)

The worst type of cheating is that which the hypocrites do against Allah (S.w.T.). These people make an outward appearance of accepting Islam and having Imān but inwardly they conceal their kufr. Allah (S.w.T.) says about them,

 “They desire to deceive Allah and those who believe, and they deceive only themselves and they do not perceive.”

(Surah al-Baqarah 2:9)

 Obviously no one can deceive Allah (S.w.T.), as He is aware of all things. Deceiving Allah (S.w.T.) means, deceiving the Holy Prophet (S) and the believers, is equivalent to deceiving Allah (S.w.T.). Or it may be said that the hypocrites think that they can fool Allah (S.w.T.) by merely repeating the formula of faith, verbally, while they carry Kufr in their hearts. By doing so they are not harming the Holy Prophet (S) or the believers, but depriving themselves of righteousness and salvation. They invite upon themselves disgrace in this life and chastisement in the hereafter. Another way by which the hypocrites think they can fool Allah (S.w.T.) is by praying to show off. This subject has been discussed in detail in the chapter on ‘Shirk’.

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