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The Forty-fourth Greater Sin: Intrigue, Deception and Breaking Covenants

Chapter 47 

The Forty-fourth Greater Sin: Intrigue, Deception and Breaking Covenants


The forty-fourth sin which will be punished by damnation in Hell is intrigue, deception and failure to observe covenants etc. In the book al-Kāfi, Book of Imān and Kufr, six traditions are mentioned under the chapter, ‘Intrigue, Deception and Breaking covenants.’ Here we shall quote two of them.

Hazrat Amir ul-Mu’minÄ«n (a.s.) says,

“If the punishment for intrigue and deception had not been Hell, I would have been the greatest plotter (of intrigue) among the people.” (al-Kāfi Vol. 2 page 336)

He (a.s.) also said,

“Indeed, breaking covenants, sinfulness, misappropriation; all of them are punished by Hell.”

(al-Kāfi vol. 2 page 338)

 Wasa’il ul-Shia records a prophetic tradition saying that we must never cheat or deceive Muslims. According to JibrÄ«l (a.s.) a cheater and deceiver belongs to Hell. Then the Messenger of Allah (S) says,

“One who cheats a Muslim or misappropriates his property is not from us.”

Other traditions on the topic are also mentioned in the books, Wasa’il ul-Shia and Mustadrak ul-Wasa’il. When people suggested to Amir ul-Mu’minÄ«n (a.s.) that he should allow Muawiyah the post of governor till he (‘Ali) was Caliph so that there would be no danger from Muawiyah, ‘Ali (a.s.) said,

“Those who deceive, cheat and break covenants; all of them belong to Hell.”

(Mustadrak ul-Wasa’il)

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