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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 27 Consumption of Harām No one dies without receiving his decreed sustenance

No one dies without receiving his decreed sustenance

No one dies without receiving his decreed sustenance 

On the occasion of the last Hajj, the Holy Prophet (S) addressed the Muslims in the precincts of the Masjidul Harām:

“Know that, the trustworthy Spirit (JibrÄ«l) has informed that no creature dies till he has received his destined sustenance.

Then fear Allah and do not vie among yourself in earning your livelihood. If there is some delay in receiving your sustenance, it must not be that you pursue it in disobedience to Allah. Verily, Allah has distributed only Halāl sustenance to every creature. He has not destined Harām sustenance to anyone.

Hence one who fears Allah and acts with patience, Allah shall bestow upon him His sustenance through lawful means. But one who abandons purity and takes up Harām methods, a similar amount shall be decreased from his lawful sustenance. He shall be made to account for his Harām earnings on the Day of Qiyāma. Allah the Almighty has prohibited it in the following words:

  “...and do not substitute worthless (things) for (their) good (ones)...”

 (Surah an-Nisā’ 4:2)

 It should not be that in a hurry to obtain livelihood you obtain it through illegal ways, before Allah provides you with the Halāl sustenance that He had decreed for you.”


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