
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Beautiful songs in Heaven

Beautiful songs in Heaven

The following tradition of Allah’s Messenger (S) is recorded in the book TafsÄ«r Majmaul Bayan,

“One who has listened to too many songs will not be able to hear the Ruhānis on the Day of Qiyāma.”

“Who are the Ruhānis, O Prophet of Allah (S)?” someone asked.

The Prophet (S) replied,

“They are the melodious singers of Heaven.”

A similar tradition from Hazrat ‘Ali (a.s.) is found in Nahjul Balagha,

“Hazrat DawÅ«d (a.s.) will be the chief of the singers of Paradise.”

(Nahjul Balagha)

 The people will listen to such melodious songs from Hazrat DawÅ«d (a.s.) in Heaven, the like of which have never been heard by anyone. However only those who have refrained from listening to songs in this world would be able to hear them.

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