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Hope Should Not Cause Arrogance

Hope Should Not Cause Arrogance

The trust and hope we repose in Allah (S.w.T.)’s Mercy and generosity will certainly bring us additional bounties. But this trust should not assume proportions that make us feel confident and arrogant that we think, we shall not be punished. As is mentioned in Qur’an,

“Let not the arch-deceiver (Satan) deceive you respecting Allah.”

(Surah Fāt’ir 35:5)

 Allah (S.w.T.) tells the polytheists in Surah al-Hadid,

 “...the arch-deceiver (Satan) deceived you about Allah.”

(Surah al-Hadid 57:14)

 The exegesis of this ayat as recorded in “Minhaj us-SādiqÄ«n’ is that Satan says, “Have complete faith in the magnanimity and the Mercy of Allah (S.w.T.). He does not punish any one.”

Hazrat Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) said,

“There is no believer who does not possess two lights in his heart. One is the light of fear and the other, the light of hope. None of these is heavier than the other. Both are equal.”


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