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The Prophet’s (S) Conversation With Umm Salama

The Prophet’s (S) Conversation With Umm Salama

Janabe Umm Salama says that she saw the Holy Prophet of Allah in a middle of the night standing in a corner of the house and entreating Allah (S.w.T.): “O Allah! Whatever You have given me, do not take those blessings away. Never let me become the butt of criticism and jealousy of the enemies. O Allah! Never let me return to the vices from where You have extricated me. O Allah! Do not leave me (free) to myself even for a blink of the eye (for a moment).”

Umm Salama says: When I heard these words I began to weep uncontrollably. The Prophet asked the reason for my lamentation. I replied, “Why shouldn’t I weep when you, who have attained such a high position , are invocating Allah in such a (humble) way?”

Holy Prophet (S) said:

“Why should not I fear thus. When Allah left Hazrat YÅ«nus (a.s.) on his own for a moment, what did happen.” (That is, he remained in the belly of a whale).

(Bihār al-Anwār)


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