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Fear and Hope Are the Signs of Marefat

Fear and Hope Are the Signs of Marefat

One who recognizes the boundless expanse of Allah (S.w.T.)’s Mercy is bound to have great hopes; if he has repented, his sins will be forgiven, if he has worshipped Allah (S.w.T.), his invocation will be accepted and Allah (S.w.T.) in His generosity will let him have the maximum benefits. Allah (S.w.T.) is known to be the ‘Forgiver of sins’ and ‘Acceptor of prayers’. In the same way the knowledge of the severity of Allah (S.w.T.)’s chastisement for every sin will make one tremble with fear. The fear of Allah (S.w.T.) inspires a person with TawfÄ«q that insulates him from transgressing the bounds of prohibitions, and compels him towards sincere repentance. When we are in the throes of temptation to commit an aggression, we have to be extremely cautious not to give in. It may so happen that the particular sin we are about to commit will seal our fate and deprive us forever, of Allah (S.w.T.)’s Mercy and forgiveness. It is narrated from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.):

“One who intends to commit a sin (should control his selfish desires and) must not put it to practice. Certainly when (sometimes) a person commits a sin, Allah dislikes him and says: “By My Honour and Greatness I will not forgive you after this.”


 Since there is a possibility that a sin may not be eligible for pardon, it is extremely important that we keep ourselves protected from every sin; be it big or small. In fact the sins which do not deserve to be pardoned are regarded as insignificant by the one who commits them.

Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) states:

“You must fear the small sins, for they are not pardoned.”

The narrator asked, “What is meant by ‘small’?” Imam replied;

“A person commits a sin which he considers to be insignificant and says, “I deserve admiration for I have not committed a sin as serious as that of the other person.”



#1 RE: Fear and Hope Are the Signs of MarefatLhamdulillah 2013-03-17 14:54
Lhamdulillah nice article.

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