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Tawhid and Love

Tawhid and Love 

The worshippers of the unique God should accept that Allah (S.w.T.) is the provider of him and all the existing things. Whatever he gets is due to the beneficence of the Almighty. The apparent causes and the effects are also in control of Allah (S.w.T.). Then it is Him only who deserves unlimited love and attachment. If someone else deserves to be loved it is only due to his being the beloved of Allah (S.w.T.). This is because such a love is itself commanded by Allah (S.w.T.). Divine personalities like the Holy Prophets (a.s.), Imams (a.s.), the angels and the true believers are those whose love is commanded by Allah (S.w.T.).

 In the same way, to show attachment to the gifts of Allah (S.w.T.) is allowed if such an attachment would exhibit our thankfulness for the bounties. To love our family, possessions and the worldly life is also worship in this way. However, to love all such things without considering the divine aspect renders one to be a mushrik (polytheist). If one loves something more than he loves Allah (S.w.T.), then it is a kind of Shirk. If he prefers something above the love of Allah (S.w.T.) it is totally Harām. Consequently he becomes liable for punishment. For example if someone loves monetary wealth more than Allah (S.w.T.) then it would be difficult for him to fulfill the religious obligation of Zakat etc. Various ayats of the Qur’an and traditions mention this fact.

1) Someone inquired from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) the meaning of the following verse:

 “The day on which property will not avail, nor sons. Except him who comes to Allah with a heart, free (from evil).”

(Surah ash-Shūrā 26: 88-89)

 Imam (a.s.) replied,

“The heart free (from evil) is the one when it meets Allah it does not have the love of anyone but Allah. Every heart which has Shirk and doubt is condemned to be destroyed. (al-Kāfi)

 2) Imam as-Sadiq (a.s.) states,

“By Allah the Imān (faith) of a person cannot be pure till he loves Allah more than his near ones; his mother, his father, children, wife, other people and wealth.”


 3) During the rule of Prophet Sulaiman (a.s.) a male sparrow told its mate,

“Why do you stop me from mating? I possess such might that if I want I could pick up the dome of (the palace) of Hazrat Sulaiman (a.s.) and drop it in the river.” When Hazrat Sulaiman (a.s.) came to know of this, he summoned both the birds and asked the male bird if he could substantiate his claim by putting it into practice. The bird replied that he had only tried to impress his mate by the false claim. He said that he loved his companion hence could not afford to lose her. When Hazrat Sulaiman (a.s.) asked the female bird for her opinion she said that her suitor did not love her and his affections were for someone else. Upon hearing her grievance Hazrat Sulaiman (a.s.) became remorseful. He retired into his prayer niche and did not come out for forty days. He prayed, “O Allah purify the heart of this male bird from the love of everything except his own mate.”



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