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Chapter 2-Hadith al-Manzilah

Chapter 2 

Hadith al-Manzilah


 In 9 AH the Prophet prepared to march for the expedition against the Romans, and according to Shaykh MufÄ«d and Shaykh TusÄ« since he was concerned of the evil intentions of the enemies, he told Imam ‘AlÄ« (‘a): “It is not advisable to leave Medina without me or you.” He subsequently placed Imam ‘AlÄ« (‘a) in charge of Medina before departing for the expedition to Tabuk, and in order to quell the hypocrites’ ill-speaking of his cousin, he said the latter’s position to him was like that of Aaron to Prophet Moses (‘a). This saying is known as HadÄ«th al-Manzilah and has been reported by all scholars. Ibn Hanbal has recorded it in the Musnad twenty times through different chains of isnād on the authority of several companions of the Prophet including Jābir bin ‘Abdullāh al-AnsārÄ«, Asmā’ bint ‘Umays, ‘Abdullāh bin ‘Abbās, AbÄ« Sa‘Ä«d al-KhidrÄ« and Sa‘d bin AbÄ« Waqqās.[28] The last named has related it ten times and one of the versions reads as follows:

 AbÄ« Ahmad Zubayri quotes ‘Abdullāh bin HabÄ«b bin AbÄ« Thābit from Hamzah bin ‘Abdullāh from his father and from Sa‘d (bin AbÄ« Waqqās) who narrating this hadÄ«th for us, said:

 When the Messenger of Allah left Medina for Tabuk he placed (Imam) ‘AlÄ« [(‘a)] as his vicegerent in Medina. (Imam) ‘AlÄ« [(‘a)] asked the Prophet:

 “Are you making me your vicegerent?”

 The Prophet replied:

 “Are you not happy that your position to me is that of Aaron to Moses, except that there is no Prophet after me?”[29]

 Ahmad Shākir has termed the isnād of this hadÄ«th as fair.


[28] HamdÄ« ‘Abd al-MajÄ«d al-SalafÄ«, Murshid al-Muhtār, vol. 1, p. 239, 2nd edition, Beirut, 1407/1987.

[29] Al-Musnad, hadith no. 1600 (Ahmad Shākir).

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