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30-Rules And Regulations Of Commentating Quran

WE BELIEVE that the words of QURAN should commonly be takem for their fundamental meanings and not for their connotations, with the exception of some, that clear reasons prove them to mean other ways. The verses in QUR?N should never be commentated on the basis of conjectures or self interests. As an instance when we read in QUR?N:_

"And he who was blind in this world, will be blind in the hereafter (next world), and most astray from the path.(of salvation)

THE HOLY QUR?N _ S17: 72

We are sure enough that blind in this verse does not mean, sihgtless. It rather means some one who has lost his sense of understanding and judgement, and not him who has lost his sense of vision. This is because there are many a blind one, who is virtuous and truthful, and on the contrary, there are many who can see well with their eyes, but who are out of mind and their hearts are locked up and cannot use even their common sense! As another example we may consider the following verse about the enemies of Islam:_

"The parable of those who reject faith is that of a man (i.e. the prophet) who calls an animal that can hear nothing except a shout or cry. DEAF, dumb and blind are they, and void of wisdom. (they understand nothing)

THE HOLY QUR?N _ S2: 171

It is evident that those hertics who are addressed here, were not deaf, dumb or blind. We then may conclude that they were mentally such. Therefore when we read in Qur    such verses that:_

"The HANDS of God are widely out stretched.



"O,NOAH! construct the ark under OUR EYES."

S11: 37

We don't understand that God has physical hand or eye. We rather take hand to mean GOD'S POWER and the EYE to mean HIS KNOWLEDGE. This is because any material or matter consists of parts and needs time and space, as well as direction and is of course perishable. God the Almighty is far Greater and clear of having such attributes.

We never take the fundemental meaning of such words as mentioned above. which is not reasonable.

"We sent not any Apostle, except to teach in the languge of his own people, in order to clear things for them."


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