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Imam Musa al-Kazim (AS) and Ali ibn Yaqtin

Imam Musa al-Kazim (AS) and Ali ibn Yaqtin

IbrahÄ«m Jammāl wanted to meet ‘Ali Ibn YaqtÄ«n, the Prime Minister of HarÅ«n the Caliph, but he was not granted an audience.

The same year ‘Ali Ibn YaqtÄ«n was honoured by Hajj and later went to Madinah and decided to meet Imam Musa al-Kadhim (AS) but Imam (AS) did not permit him to enter. Again the next day he presented himself and upon the refusal of Imam (AS) asked as to what sin he had committed that Imam (AS) did not want to meet him.

Imam (AS) said that since he had refused to meet his brother, the Almighty Allah would not allow his efforts to succeed, till the time IbrahÄ«m Jammāl does not forgive him. ‘Ali ibn YaqtÄ«n said that since he was in Madinah and IbrahÄ«m Jammāl in Kufa how was it possible to obtain his forgiveness at that moment?

Imam (AS) said, “When it is dark, go alone to BaqÄ«, and do not let anyone know it. You will find a thoroughbred horse there. Mount that horse.”

‘Ali Ibn YaqtÄ«n did as instructed and in a short time found himself at the door of IbrahÄ«m Jammāl. He knocked at the door and announced “I am ‘Ali Ibn YaqtÄ«n.”

IbrahÄ«m Jammāl said from inside, “What do I have to do with ‘Ali Ibn YaqtÄ«n?”

‘Ali Ibn YaqtÄ«n said that he had some urgent work with him and begged for the permission to enter. When he was allowed inside he said, “My Master has refused to see me till you forgive me.”

IbrahÄ«m said, “May Allah forgive you.”

‘Ali Ibn YaqtÄ«n fell down and implored him to put his foot on his (‘Ali’s) face. IbrahÄ«m did not agree. ‘Ali Ibn YaqtÄ«n again implored him in the Name of Allah. IbrahÄ«m complied with his request.

Then ‘Ali Ibn YaqtÄ«n said, “O Allah be a witness,” and mounted the horse again. Within a few minutes he found himself at the door of Imam (AS). He knocked and Imam (AS) permitted him to enter.

By these traditions we can judge the importance of helping our believing brothers. ‘Ali Ibn YaqtÄ«n was one of the closest companions of Imam (AS) and has assumed the ministership by the order of Imam (AS). He was also held in such high esteem that on the day of Eid-uz-Zuha Imam (AS) said, “I did not recall anyone else’s name. I just prayed for ‘Ali Ibn YaqtÄ«n!”

Inspite of such an honourable position he was not able to satisfy Imam (AS) till he had satisfied his believing brother.  

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