
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

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Ablutions (Wudu')


What is a hadath?


A hadath applies to urinating, making stools, flatulence, sleep, (for a woman) a minor discharge of blood -   istihada qalila, and it applies to anything which causes mental confusion such as imbibing alcoholic drinks, fainting and the like.


How should ablutions be performed?


The manner of performing ablutions is as follows:

1.        Washing the face from the hairline to the chin.

2.        Washing of the right hand from the elbow to the tip of the fingers.

3.        Washing of the left hand from the elbow to the tip of the fingers.

4.        Wiping the front part of the head with the moisture from the underside of the right hand.

5.        Wiping the top surface of the two feet with the moisture from the palms of both hands, respectively.

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