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Khums And Zakat


What is khums?


Khums consists of giving away twenty percent of income for the cause of God[30].


From what income should khums be given?


From seven things:

1.        Booty from war.

2.        Things that have been acquired by means of diving in the seas.

3.        Mineral ore.

4.        Profits and gains.

5.        Land that a non-Muslim buys from a Muslim.

6.        A halal (lawful or religiously permissible) gain which has been mixed with a haram (unlawful or religiously forbidden) gain.

7.        Treasure.


To whom should khums be paid?


A part of the khums should be paid to the Muslim jurist so that he may expend it according to Islamic activities as seems fit to him. The remainder is expended by the person concerned for helping orphans, poor people and needy travellers, from among the descendants of the Prophet (God’s blessings and peace be upon him and his progeny).


What is zakat?


Zakat consists of the payment of a portion of certain assets for the cause of God.


From what things should zakat be paid?


From three categories:-

1.        The three groups of grazing livestock: cows, sheep and goats and camels.

2.        The four types of grains: dates, raisins, wheat and barley.

3.        Two types of coinage: gold and silver.   

Thus zakat has to be  paid obligatorily from nine things.  It is recommended that zakat should also be paid from other things like properties and business assets.


To whom should zakat be given? 


Zakat should be expended in eight categories:-

1.        The poor.

2.        The penurious: one whose condition is more severe than that of a poor person.

3.        Officials who are appointed to collect the zakat.

4.        Matters that may be considered to be for the cause of God, that is anything which is for the benefit of the Muslims be it related to his religious or worldly affairs.

5.        Debtors who are unable to pay their debts.

6.        Wayfarers who cannot travel any further and cannot afford to return to their own homeland.

7.        Those who receive from the zakat in order either to strengthen the faith already present in their hearts[31] or to discourage them from harming the Muslims.

8.        Slaves: bondspersons who live under difficult conditions should be purchased with zakat money or freed.


#1 RE: Khums And ZakatGuest 2016-10-06 19:07
I am confused. All I need to know is the difference between khums and Zakat in baby language so I can understand please.

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