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Back You are here: Home Library Invocation Adabus Salat Discourse 3-The Affinities State of the musalli during saying the salam, and the condition for the salam to be truthful

State of the musalli during saying the salam, and the condition for the salam to be truthful

State of the musalli during saying the salam, and the condition for the salam to be truthful

Know that when the salik comes out of the state of sujud, whose secret is "annihilation", and comes to himself, and into a state of wakefulness and attentiveness, returning from the state of being absent from the world to the state of being present, he offers his salam (peace) to the beings - the salam of the one who has come back from a journey, from an occultations. So, as he returns he sends peace upon the noble Prophet, because after returning from unity [wahdat] to multiplicity [kathrat], the first manifestation will be that of the truth of guardianship: "We are the first preceding ones" [603] Thereafter, he will pay attention to the essences [a'yan] of other beings, distinctly and collectively.

The one who has not kept away, in the salat, from the creatures [khalq] and has not become a traveler to Allah, to him the salam has no meaning and is nothing but a chattering of the tongue. So, the cordial discipline of the salam depends on the discipline of the salat as a whole. If in this salat, which is the truth of the mi`raj, there was no ascension, and he did not come out of the house of the soul, he would actually have no salam. Furthermore, if in this journey there was safety from the intrusions of Satan and the evil-commanding soul, and, if the heart had no ailment during this real mi'raj, his salam would be truthful; if not, he would have no salam. Yes, the salam upon the Prophet (SA) is, therefore, a salam with truthfulness, because, in this ascending journey, in this travel to Allah, in both ascending and descending, he enjoys peace, and, along his journey, he is free from the conducts [tasarrufat] of other than the Haqq (Allah), to which we have referred in our commentary on the surah of al-Qadr.


[603]. Biharul Anwar, vol. 15, p. 15: "We are the first and we are the last". Muslim's Sahih, vol. 2, p. 585. Al-Bukhari's Sahih, vol. 1, p. 36: "We are the last and we are the preceding ones".


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