
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm



Praise be to Allah, the Praiseworthy, and peace and the blessing of Allah be upon the choice of His Messengers, Muhammad, and on the chosen people from among his ummah, his pure household and his righteous companions.


Leaving aside what the "official" historians have written and the fabrications, lies and falsehoods they have made, we will see that the majority of unbiased analysts and the common biographers recounted the life of Imam Hasan bin Ali [a], the Prophet's grandson, with no analysis or explanation about the great and unique position he took towards Mu'awiyah bin Abu Sufyan.


It is axiomatic that one cannot evaluate any historical event devoid of its major heroes, causes, reasons, the circumstances that led to it, and its results. Given objective, comprehension and unbiased examination into the event, the judgement can be correct, and the conclusion sound. History can, thus, say the truth.

The basil of the Messenger of Allah, peace and the blessings of Allah be with him and his progeny, the pure Imam Hasan bin Ali, peace be with him, drew the most excellent image of political expertise and clever sense of jihad (Holy War), by his move against Mu'awiyah. It is not because he chose to seek peace or compromise that he agreed to a treaty in the Year of Unity as it was later called. It was because he wished to disclose the veiled falsities, and foil the plot of the unbelievers with the conditions he stipulated in the treaty with Mu'awiyah. Imam Hasan [a] was sure Mu'awiyah wouldn't honour any one of them. That is exactly what had happened. Mu'awiyah put the terms of the treaty under his foot!

Moreover, Hasan [a] wanted to reserve his brother, Husayn [a] for the Day of Taff (sacrifice). By so doing, the epic would be consummated. The family of the Messenger of Allah [s] would attain martyrdom. No child, youth or grown-up would be spared. The family of the Prophet, the trusts of Allah, the Compassionate, would be taken captive from Karbala to Yazid bin Mu'awiyah, bound up in fetters and shackles.

In signing and agreeing to this treaty, Imam Hasan [a] aimed at perpetuating the steadfastness of the right in the face of the falsehood, and supporting the uprising of the mujahidin (those who fight in the way of Allah) against any deviation from Islam.

In presenting "Rays from the Life of Imam Hasan bin Ali [a]", Al-Balagh Foundation hopes the present Muslim generation would find in it the light which brightens their path towards Allah, the Most High, and a flame which sharpens their determination, and solidifies their will to fight the enemies of Islam and humanity.

Allah, the Most High, is certainly, the best Patron, and best Supporter.



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