
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

In Makkah

In Makkah

The polytheists in Makkah attacked the Muslims houses and robbed them. The immigrants were sad to hear that.

So, our Master Muhammad [s] decided to send some groups of the Muslims to face the Quraishi trading caravans to punish them.

In Ramadhan, the first year after Hijra, our Master Muhammad [s] called al-Hamza, the Lion of Allah, and gave him the first banner in the history of Islam.


Our Master Muhammad [s] ordered al-Hamza to take his group, thirty immigrants, to the seaside were the caravans passed.

Al-Hamza found Abu Jahal at a district called al-Ais.

Three hundred fighters went with Abu Jahal, namely, ten times as many as the Muslims.

But al-Hamza, may Allah be pleased with him, and his group were not afraid of the Quraish. They were ready to clash with them.

But Majdy bin Amru al_Jahny, who had good with the Quraish and the Muslims, came between them to prevent them from clashing.

Al-Hamza was proud that he was the first to receive the banner of Islam from Allah's Apostle. Concerning this, he said pretty lines of poetry (the meaning only):

By the order of Allah's Apostle, a banner waved over me.

It had not waved before me.

The banner has victory from the owner of dignity,

The dear Allah whose action is the best action.

Then he referred to his clashing with Abu Jahal:

On the night when they (the polytheists0 marched, they were many.

And we all were his boilers that boiled because of the anger of his friends.

And when we saw one another, they made their camels kneel down and fettered them.

And we understood the range of the arrows target.

And we said to them:

Our supporter is the robe of Allah. But you have not any robe but misguidance.

There Abu Jahal became stirred up unjustly.

So, he became unsuccessful.

And Allah drove back Abu Jahal's plot.

We were only thirty riders,

And they were over three hundred.



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