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Back You are here: Home Infallibles Muhammad Ibn Ali Sayings of Imam Jawad(AS) A Selection From Enlightening Words of Imam al-Jawad (A.S)

A Selection From Enlightening Words of Imam al-Jawad (A.S)

10 Rajab-ul-Murajjab marks the birth anniversary of Al-Imam Muhammad Taqy Al-Javad (p), ninth infallible imam from the holy progeny of holy Prophet (p).

A selection from his enlightening words is:
* Trust in Allah is a ladder for sublimity. Anyone who trusts in God, the Almighty will please him and anyone who relies on Him, God will make him self-sufficient.
* No one can consider himself secure from the retribution of God except those who are lost.

* Whoever benefits a man for the sake of Allah, will build a house for himself in Paradise.
* Do not doubt a friend whose friendship is based on faith and certainty, and whoever admonishes his brother in private, has honored him and whoever admonishes his brother in public, has dishonored him.
* The Will of God has preference over the will of people.
* Put your head on steadfastness, embrace poverty, reject the lusts, oppose your passions, and know that you cannot be out of God’s sight.
* The dignity of a faithful lies in his needlessness.

* God’s increasing gifts will be stopped when the servants stop showing Him gratitude.

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