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Back You are here: Home Eternal Words 91- Sura Shams (The Sun) Introduction


In the Name of Allah,the Beneficent,the Merciful
Sura Shams
(The Sun)
No.91 (15 Verses)
The Contents of the Sura:
This Sura, which is, in fact, a Sura on the purification of the 'carnal soul' 'sanctification of the heart from vice and impurities', explains the same themes as in previous Suras, but at the beginning of the Sura eleven great subjects from the world of creation and Divine essence are mentioned and to prove that salvation depends upon `purification of the carnal soul' some oaths are made. These oaths envelop most of the Qur'anic oaths, collectively.

At the end of the Sura, the Thamood, as an example of a disobedient people, are briefly pointed out. They defied Allah sacred Law and His prophet, Salih, and were destroyed for their crime; which was the fruit of neglecting 'the purification of the carnal soul'.
This short Sura, in fact, restates one of the most important instructive points for the destiny of Man's life, and leads him to true Islamic values.
The Virtue in Studying this Sura:
On the virtue of reciting this Sura, we refer to a tradition narrated from the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) who said: "He who recites it (Sura Shams) is like he who has given charity (in the way of Allah) to all things that the sun and the moon shine upon.".(1)
And certainly, this great excellence belongs to the one who keeps the sublime content of this short Sura alive in his spirit and knows that the 'purification of the carnal soul' is his constant duty.
(1) Majma'-al-Bayan, vol. 10, p. 496.

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