
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Verses 10-15

Sura Inshiqaq
(The Rending Asunder)
No.84 (Verses 10-15)

(10) وَأَمَّا مَنْ أُوتِيَ كِتَابَهُ وَرَاءَ ظَهْرِهِ

(11) فَسَوْفَ يَدْعُو ثُبُورًا

(12) وَيَصْلَى سَعِيرًا

(13) إِنَّهُ كَانَ فِي أَهْلِهِ مَسْرُورًا

(14) إِنَّهُ ظَنَّ أَن لَّن يَحُورَ

(15) بَلَى إِنَّ رَبَّهُ كَانَ بِهِ بَصِيرًا

10. But he who is given his Record behind his back,
11. Soon he will cry for Perdition,
12. And enter a Blazing Fire.
13. Truly, he was (erstwhile ) joyful among his people!
14. Truly he thought that he would never return (to his Lord)!
15. Yes indeed! Surely his Lord was (ever) watchful of him

Those Who Hold Their Record Behind Their Back!
In contrast to the aforementioned verses, which were about those who are given their Record in their right hand, these verses are about the unbelievers and how they are given their Records. At first, it says:
But he who is given his Record behind his back,
Soon he will cry for Perdition,
* * * *
And enter a Blazing Fire.
The commentators have delivered different ideas about this verse which says 'They are given their Records behind their back'and those verses which say 'Their Records are given to their left hand'.
Some commentators have said that their right hand is tied to their neck with chains so, that is why their Records are given to their left hand from their back and it is a sign of degradation and shame.
Some others have said that their hands are not free; they are tied behind their back like those of captives and, thus, they can only receive their Records in their left hand behind their back.
Then, still others have said that by noting Sura Nisa,No.4, Verse 47 which says: ...before We alter faces then turn them on their back..., it can be understood that the faces of this group of wicked ones have been turned to their back and they have to read their Records themselves; the Records are given to their left hand behind their back.
It is more agreeable to say that the doers of good take their Record happily in their right hand and call, with pride and boasting to others in the Hereafter: Ah here! Read ye my Record!, (Sura Haqqa, No. 69, verse 19). But, when the wicked are given their Record in their left hand, they will keep it behind their back shamefully in order for it not to be seen by others, but unfortunately it is of no use, because nothing is hidden there.
They cry for perdition, but it will be in vain and they will receive the command: And enter a Blazing Fire; that is, they will arrive at the blazing fire of Hell.
Then, the cause of this awful case is described and it says:
Truly, he was (erstwhile ) joyful among his people!
It was a joy of pride, and the pride originated from neglect and being forgetful of Allah. His self-complacence and self-conceit, in his lower life, will now give way to weeping and misery.
It is clear that joy or happiness is not naturally blamed or forbidden, but a believer should be hopeful and happy of Allah's Grace, and be always rejoicing and good tempered with others when interacting with them. That joy is blameworthy which makes people forgetful of Allah, and entangles them only in their lusts.
* * * *
Truly he thought that he would never return (to his Lord)!.
In fact, the true source of his misery and corrupted idea was his denial of the Resurrection, that which made him proud and exaltant and, thus, he became drunk with lusts and far from the Reality; Allah, in so far as he mocked the Mission of the prophets, and when he went to his people he was happy with this mockery. This very idea is mentioned in Sura Mutaffifin, No.83, verse 31: And when they returned to their people they returned jesting, and also in the story of the wealthy Qarun who was doubtful of Allah, some of his people told him quot;...Exult not, for Allah loveth not those who exult (in riches) (Sura Qasas, No. 28, verse 76).
The term /lanyahur/ 'he would never return ' is based on /haur/ which originally means 'go to and fro' whether in deed or in thought. The term /mihwar/ 'axis', /muhawarah/ 'answers for answers, debate', /hiwar/ 'a loud voice in dialogue', /tahayyur/ 'astonishment', and /hawariyun/ 'companions of Jesus 'are from the same root.
But, on the whole, this word which has been used in this verse means ' return' and 'resurrection'.
Meanwhile, this verse shows that the lack of belief in the Resurrection is the origin of carelessness, pride, and corruption.
* * * *
In the last verse of this portion of the verses, for the negation of their false belief, it says:
Yes indeed! Surely his Lord was (ever) watchful of him,
and recorded all of Man's acts, totally, and kept the Record for the coming Reckoning Day.
The idea, in this verse, is an evidence for the Resurrection, as verse 6 was: O man! Surely you are ever toiling on towards your Lord; painfully toiling, until you meet Him. Both of them emphasize on the term 'Lord', because the process of Man's development towards his Lord can never end with his death. The final goal is beyond the only life in this world.
Allah's watchfulness over Man's actions and the record of the deeds are not done in vain. They are certainly primary to the final Judgment and, consequently, to the Reward and the punishment.


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