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Back You are here: Home Eternal Words 7- Sura Al-'A'raf Verse26


Section 3
Mankind warned against its enemy, Satan
Mankind was warned against Satan and his Tribe - Sincerity in prayer - Justice in dealings enjoined.

(26) يا بَنِي آدَمَ قَدْ أَنْزَلْنا عَلَيْكُمْ لِباساً يُوارِي سَوْآتِكُمْ وَ رِيشاً وَ لِباسُ التَّقْوى‏ ذلِكَ خَيْرٌ

ذلِكَ مِنْ آياتِ اللَّهِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَذَّكَّرُونَ

26. " O' children of Adam ! We have indeed sent down to you clothing to cover your shameful parts, and (for) adornment, and the raiment of piety; that is the best. This is of the Signs of Allah so that they may take admonition."

Commentary :
A Warning unto All the Children of Adam !
From this holy verse on, Allah states a series of constructive commandments and recommendations for all the children of Adam, which, in fact, are the continuation of Adam's affairs in Heaven.
At first, He points to the subject of clothing and covering the body, which had an important function in the event of Adam. Allah says :
" O' children of Adam ! We have indeed sent down to you clothing to cover your shameful parts, ..."
The usage of the clothing that He has sent for us is not only for covering the body and concealing its shameful parts, but it is also a factor of adornment. Clothing is a splendor and an ornament which makes one's stature seem more beautiful than what it really is.
"... and (for) adornment, ..."
Following this phrase, which refers to the outward clothing of people, the Qur'an streches the discussion to the spiritual clothing. As the manner of the Qur'an is in many other instances, it combines these two aspects together, and says that the clothing of piety is better than that clothing. It says :
"... and the raiment of piety; that is the best. ..."
The resemblance of piety and righteousness to 'raiment' is a very explicit and expressive resemblance. Clothing both protects the body from cold and heat, and is a fender against a great deal of dangers. It both covers the vices of the body and is an ornament for persons. The essence of piety and righteousness, besides covering the ugliness of man's sins and protecting him from a lot of personal and social dangers, is also considered a very great adornment for him. It is a notable ornament which increases his personality.
The objective meaning of 'the raiment of piety' is that very spirit of piety which protects the soul of man, and, however, the sense of 'shy', 'righteous deed.', and the like of them are assembled in it.
At the end of the verse, the Qur'an implies that these raiments that Allah has assigned for you, irrespective of the material raiment and the spiritual one, bodily raiment and the raiment of piety, are wholly from among the signs of Allah, so that the servants of Allah may remember the Divine bounties. It says :
"... This is of the signs of Allah so that they may take admonition."
Raiments in the Past and Present :
As far as the history of man indicates, human beings have always worn clothes, but, in our time, the means of producing clothes have so vastly varied and developed that it is not compareable with the past at all.
And, unfortunately, the secondary aspects of clothes, and even its unpleasant and disgraceful instances, have so vastly spread that they are being preceded the philosophy of clothing.
Clothing has been taken a factor of kinds of luxuries, expansion of corruptions, excitation of lusts, gaudiness, haughtiness, prodigality, extravagance and the like of them. Sometime there may be found some surprising clothes among people, and particularly among those young ones who imitate the western customs, that its aspect of madness precedes its aspect of intellect.
The custom of following fasition in clothing, not only waste a great deal of wealth, but also squanders a great part of time and powers of individuals.


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