
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm


(141) الَّذِينَ يَتَرَبَّصُونَ بِكُمْ فَإِن كَانَ لَكُمْ فَتْحٌ مِّنَ اللّهِ قَالُواْ أَلَمْ نَكُن مَّعَكُمْ وَإِن كَانَ لِلْكَافِرِينَ

نَصِيبٌ قَالُواْ أَلَمْ نَسْتَحْوِذْ عَلَيْكُمْ وَنَمْنَعْكُم مِّنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ فَاللّهُ يَحْكُمُ بَيْنَكُمْ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ وَلَن

يَجْعَلَ اللّهُ لِلْكَافِرِينَ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ سَبِيلاً

141. " (The hypocrites are) those who wait and watch about you; then if there be a victory for you from Allah, they say: ' Were we not with you ? ' But if the disbelievers get a share, they tell (them): ' Did we not help you win, and held off the believers from you ? ' Therefore, Allah shall judge between you on the Day of Judgement, and Allah will by no means give the disbelievers a way (of success) against the believers. "
The Qualities of Hypocrites:
This verse and some verses after that point to some other qualities of the hypocrites and their incoherent thoughts. It describes the hypocrites as those who always want to make profit from any incident. If you gain the victory, they quickly show themselves in the row of the believers and say whether they were not with you, and their worthy aids were not helpful in your victory. Therefore, they claim to have a share in its all spiritual and material incomes.

The verse says:
" (The hypocrites are) those who want and watch about you; then if there be a victory for you from Allah, they say: ' Were we not with you ? ..."
But, if the enemies of Islam obtain a part of this victory, the 2hypocrites immediately approach them and express their consent to them about that victory. They say that it was they who encouraged them to combat with Muslims without showing any sign of resignation, therefore they have a share in that victory. The verse says:
"...' But if the disbelievers get a share, they tell (them): ' Did we not help you win, and held off the believers from you ? '..."
Thus, this group of hypocrites, by their own particular misusing opportunities, sometimes come toward the believers and sometimes approach the disbelievers, and spend their lives double-dealingly.
Yet, the Qur'an manifest their fate with stating a short phrase. It implies that finally there will come a day that the curtains will be removed, the masks will be taken off and their real ugly faces will be seen. Yet, it is true when it says:
" ... Therefore, Allah judge between you on the Day of Judgement, ... "
And, in order that the true believers should not be afraid of them, at the end of the verse it adds:
" ... and Allah will by no means ... "
This part of the verse means that the disbelievers not only from the point of logic but also from the point of political, marchal, cultural, and economical aspects will not really overcome the believers.
So, if we see their victory with our own eyes in different fields against Muslims, it is for the reason that many of Muslims are not true believers. They have neither the unity and Islamic brother hood among them, nor the Knowledge and necessary for all from birthday until the moment of death. Then, when they are like that, consequently. They have remained like this.

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