
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm


(88) فَمَا لَكُمْ فِي الْمُنَافِقِينَ فِئَتَيْنِ وَاللّهُ أَرْكَسَهُم بِمَا كَسَبُواْ أَتُرِيدُونَ أَن تَهْدُواْ مَنْ أَضَلَّ اللّهُ

وَمَن يُضْلِلِ اللّهُ فَلَن تَجِدَ لَهُ سَبِيلاً

Section 12
Dealing with Hypocrites
To deal with hypocrites as enemies unless they amend their conduct.
88. " Why should you take both sides concerning hypocrites, wihle Allah has discarded them because of what they have earned? Do you want to guide someone whom Allah has forsaken to astray? For, who Allah has forsaken to astray, never shall you find a way for him."
Occasion of Revelation:
According to what some commentators of the Qur'an have narrated from Ibn-Abbas, a group of the citizens of Mecca had embraced Islam, but in fact, they were in the row of hypocrites and that was why that they did not emigrated to Medina. Yet, finally, they had to go out from Mecca finally. (And haply, because of the partiqular condition they had, they didi so for the purpose of spying).

The Mulsims recognized the matter, but, very soon, they differed among themselves that how to treat this group. Some believed that those hypocrites should be forsaken because they were, indeed, the adherents of the enemies of Islam. But some others, who were rather simple-minded and saw only the outward of the things, opposed that idea and surprisingly said how they should fight against some people who had testified to the Unity of Allah and the prphethood of the Messenger.
The verse was revealed and blamed the fault of the second group and then guided them.
Regarding the above occasion of revelation, the relation of this verse and the verses next to it with the former verses about the hypocrites, is quitely clear.
At the beginning of the verse, it implies why have you separated into two groups about the hypocrites and each group of you judge in a different form? It says:
" Why should you take both sides concerning hypocrites,..."
Then the Qur'an says that Allah has taken success and His support from this group of hypocrites because of their disgraceful indecent deeds they have done, and He has reversed their thoughts totally. It is like a person who, in stead of standing on his feet, stands on his head. It says:
"...wihle Allah has discarded them because of what they have earned?..."
Then, at the end of the verse, the Quran addressing those shallow minded Mulsims who supported this group of hypocrites, and says:
"...Do you want to guide someone whom Allah has forsaken to astray? For, who Allah has forsaken to astray, never shall you find a way for him."
It is an everlasting way of Allah's treatment that the effect of the deeds of no one separates from him. How can you expect that those whose thoughts are filthy, whose hearts are full of hypocrisy, and their treatment is supporting the enemies of Allah be guide? This is an illogical and improper expectation.


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