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Imam Reza's(A.S.) Companions and Narrators of His Traditions - Part 3

Imam Reza's(A.S.) Companions and Narrators of His Traditions - Part 3

61. Al-Hasan Bin Bashshar al-Mada'ini

He was one of the companions of Imam al-Ka`zim and Imam al-Rida, peace be on them. He his

trustworthy and correct. He was a Waqifi, and then he withdrew.

62. Al-Hasan Bin al-Jahm

b. Bukayr b. A'yun, AbuMohammed al-Shayba`ni. He is trustworthy. He narrated on the

authority of Imam Abual-Hasan al-Rida`, peace be on him. He has a book.

63. Al-Hasan Bin al-Jahm al-Razi

He was one of the companions of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him.

64. Al-Hasan Bin al-Husayn al-Anbari

He narrated on the authority of Imam Abual-Hasan al-Rida, peace be on him, and 'Ali b. al-

Hakam reported on his authority.

65. Al-Hasan Bin al-Husayn

b. Salih. He narrated on the authority of Imam Abual-Hasan al-Rida, peace be on him, and

'Ali b. 'Abd al-Ghaffar reported on his authority.

66. Al-Hasan Bin al-Husayn al-'Alawi

Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him. Ahmed

b. Mohammed reported on his authority.

67. Al-Hasan Bin Rashid

Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him, without any description, as one of the companions of Imam al-

Rida, peace be on him.

68. Al-Hasan Bin Ziyad

Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him, and

added that he had a book.

69. Al-Hasan Bin Sa'ïd al-Kufi

Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him.

70. Al-Hasan Bin Shadhan al-Wasiti

He (i.e. Al-Hasan b. Sha`dha`n) said: [I wrote to Abual-Hasan al-Rida, peace be on him, and

complained to him of the alienation of the people of (Wasit) and their wrong against me. A

group of the 'Uthma`niya harmed me. Hence, he, peace be on him, wrote with his own hand:]

"Verily, Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, took a promise from His friends for patience in the

state of falsehood. Therefore, show forbearance toward the decree of your Lord. If the

Master of the creatures rose, they would say: O woe to us! Who has raised us from our

sleeping-place? This is what the Beneficent (Allah) promised and the apostles told the


71. Al-Hasan Bin Shu'ayb al-Mada'ini

Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him.

72. Al-Hasan Bin 'Abbad

Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him.

73. Al-Hasan Bin al-'Abbas al-Ma'rufi

He narrated on the authority of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him, and Mohammed b. 'Ali reported

on his authority.

74. Al-Hasan Bin 'Ali

b. Fadda`l. He was the retainer of Taym al-Rabab. He is a trustworthy Kufan.5 Al-Najashi

said: [Abu'Amru said: al-Fadl b. Shadan said:] "In the mosque of al-Rabï', in the estate of

al-Rabï', while I was reciting (the Qur'an) under a reciter (of the Qur'an) called Isma'ïl

b. 'Abbad, I saw some people exchange secrets. One of them said: 'On the mountain there is a

man called b. Faddal. He is the most worshipful of those whom we have seen or heard about.

He goes out to the desert and performs a long prostration to the extent that birds come and

sit on him, for they think that he is a garment or a rag. Wild animals graze around him;

they are not afraid of him, for they are intimate with him. When the armed paupers come to

attack the people or fight against them, they flee in the world out of fear of his person.'"
Al-Fayd said: "I thought that this man was in the first time. Shortly after that, while I

was sitting with my father, may Allah have mercy on him, in the estate of al-Rabï', a

handsome old man came wearing a yellowish shirt and cloak and greenish sandals. He greeted

my father and he got up for him, greeted him, and magnified him.

When he wanted to go to Ibn Abu'Umayr, I asked (my father): 'Who is this old man?.' 'This is al-Hasan b. 'Ali b. Fadda`l,' replied (my father). 'Is he the meritorious worshipful?'
I asked. 'Yes, he is,' answered (my father). 'Isn't he on the mountain?' I asked. 'Yes he

is,' answered (my father), 'what heedless your reason is , boy!' I told him about what I

heard from the people concerning him and he said: 'That is true.' After that he came

constantly to my father. Then I went to him in Kufa and heard from him the book of Ibn

AbuBukayr and traditions other than it. He carried his book, came to al-Hijjra, and recited

it for me.

When the son-in-law of Ta`hir b. al-Husayn performed the hajj, the people magnified him

because of his money and his important position with the Sultan (ruler). He (al-Husayn) was

described for him, but he did not go to him. He (the son-in-law of Tahir b. al-Husayn) sent

for him asking his coming. He (al-Husayn) said: 'I have no kinship; there is no work between

them and me.'

After that I knew that his coming to me was for his religion. As for his place of praying,

it was near the pillar called al-Sabi'a (the Seventh) or the Pillar of Ibrahïm, peace be on

him, in the mosque of Kufa. He, AbuMohammed, and 'Ali b. Asbat met. Al-Hajjal claimed

theology; he was the best of the people in theology. Ibn Faddal ascribed me to him

concerning theology and knowledge.

He loved me very much. Al-Hasan was famous for that throughout his lifetime until death came

to him, and he died. He believed in the True Religion, may Allah have mercy on him."

He has the following books:

1. Kitab al-Ziyarat (the Book of Visitations).
2. Kitab al-Tharat (the Book of the Revenges).
3. Kitab al-Nawa`dir (the Book of Miscellaneous Traditions).
4. Kitab al-Radd 'ala al-Ghaliya (the Book of the Answers to the Extremists).
5. Kitab al-Shawa`hid min Kitab Allah (the Book of the Examples from the Book of Allah).
6. Kitab al-Mutt'a (the Book of Fixed-Term Marriage).
7. Kitab al-Na`sikh wa al-Mansu`kh (the Book of the Abrogating and the Abrogated verses).
8. Kitab al-Mala`him (the Book of the Bloody fights).
9. Kitab al-Sala`t (the Book of Prayer).
10. The book which his son 'Ali narrated on the authority of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him.

His death, may Allah have mercy on him, was in the year 224 A. H.

75. Al-Hasan Bin 'Ali

b. Ziyad al-Washsha', al-Bujayli, al-Kufi. He was among the companions of Imam al-Rida,

peace be on him, and one of the eminent figures of this sect (i.e. the Shï'ites ). He

narrated on the authority of his grandfather al-Yas, who said when death came to him:

[Witness against me, and this is not the hour of lying.

I heard Abu'Abd Allah, peace be on

him, say:] "By Allah, if the servants who love Allah and His Messenger and shows friendship

toward the Imams dies, the Fire will not touch him. Then he repeated the second and the

third while I did not asked him (about that)."

Ahmed b. Mohammed b. Isa reported: "I went out to Kufa to seek traditions and found in it

al-Hasan b. 'Ali al-Washsha`' and asked him to take out for me the book of al-'Ala`' b.

Razï~n al-Qala` and of Aba`n b. 'Uthma`n al-Ahmar. He brought them for me and I said to him:

'I want you to permit me in order to take them (the two books).' He said to me: 'Hasan, may

Allah have mercy on you, way are you in a hurry? Go and copy them.'

I said to him: 'I am not

safe from mishaps.' He said: 'If I had known that this tradition would be sought in such a

manner, I would have written it many more, for I met in this mosque (i.e. the mosque of

Kufa) nine hundred old men and they would say: 'Ja'far b. Mohammed related to us.'"

He has books of which are the following:

1. Kitab Thawab al-Hajj (the Book of the Reward of the Hajj).
2. Kitab al-Nawa`dir (the Book of Miscellaneous Traditions).
3. Kitab Masa'il al-Rida (the Book of the Questions of al-Rida).

76. Al-Hasan Bin 'Ali

b. Yaqtïn b.Musa, the retainer of the Hashimites. He was a jurist and theologian. He

narrated on the authority of Imam Abual-Rida, peace be on him. He has the book: Masa'il

Abual-Hasan Musa (the Questions of Abual-Hasan Musa), peace be on him.

77. Al-Hasan Bin 'Ali al-Daylami

Al-Wahïd has mentioned him in al-Ta'lïqa and said: "He (al-Hasan b. 'Ali al-Daylami) was the

retainer of al-Rida, peace be on him. "

78. Al-Hasan Bin 'Ali

He was the retainer of Taym Allah b. Tha'laba and was from Kufa. Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him

as one of the companions of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him.

79. Al-Hasan Bin 'Ali al-Washsha'

He narrated on the authority of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him. He said: "When young, my

father and I had supper with Imam al-Rida, peace be on him. "

80. Al-Hasan Bin 'Umar

b. Yazïd. Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Rida, peace be on


81. Al-Hasan Bin Faddal

He narrated on the authority of Imam Abual-Hasan al-Rida, peace be on him, and on the

authority of a group (of traditionalists). His sons Ahmed, 'Ali and Mohammed reported on his

authority. Musa b. 'Umar narrated on his authority.

82. Al-Hasan Bin Qarun

He narrated on the authority of Imam Abual-Hasan al-Rida, peace be on him, and Ibrahïm b.

Hashim reported on his authority.

83. Al-Hasan Bin al-Qasim

Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him. 5 Al

-Kashi narrated on the authority of al-Hasan b. al-Qasim, who said: "One of the sons of

Ja'far, peace be on him, was dying. Al-Rida was late in coming to him. That grieved me, for

he was late in coming to his uncle Mohammed. Then he came.

Shortly after that he rose, and I

rose along with him and asked him: 'May I be your ransom, why have you risen and left your

uncle in the state in which he is?' 'My uncle will bury so-and-so (i.e. his brother),' he,

peace be on him, replied." He (al-Hasan b. al-Qasim) said:

"Shortly after that, the sick person recovered and buried his brother, who was sound with

them." After that al-Hasan realized the True Religion and believed in it.

84. Al-Hasan Bin Mahbub al-Sarrad

He is also called al-Zarrad. He was given the kunya of Abu'Ali. He was the retainer of

Bujayla. He was a trustworthy Kufan. He narrated on the authority of Imam Abual-Hasan al-

Rida`, peace be on him, and reported on the authority of sixty men from among the companions

of Imam Abu'Abd Allah, peace be on him. He was of great position. He wrote a group of books

of which are the following:

1. Kitab al-Mashyakha (the Book of the Shaykhs).
2. Kitab al-Hudud (the Book of Islamic Punishments).
3. Kitab al-Diyat (the Book of Blood Money).
4. Kitab al-Fara'id (the Book of Religious Obligations).
5. Kitab al-Nikah (the Book of Marriage).
6. Kitab al-Talaq (the Book of Divorce).
7. Kitab al-Nawadir (the Book of Miscellaneous Traditions), about one thousand pages.
8. Kitab al-Tafsï~r (the Book of Interpretation (of the Qur'an).
9. Kitab al-'Itqq (the Book of Emancipation of Slaves).

Shaykh al-Kashi numbered him as one of the jurists on whose authentic traditions our

companions unanimously agreed. That was when he (the Shaykh) nominated the jurists from

among the companions of Imam al-Ka`zim and Imam al-Rida, peace be on them. He (al-Hasan b.

Mahbu`b) died at the age of seventy-five, in the year 224 A. H.

85. Al-Hasan Bin Mohammed

b. AbuTallha. Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Rida, peace be

on him.

86. Al-Hasan Bin Mohammed

b. Sahl al-Nawfali. Al-Najashi regarded him as a weak (traditionalist) and said: "However,

he has a good book with many interests. He called it Majalis al-Rida ma'a Ahl al-Adyan (the

Sessions of al-Rida with the People of Religions). "

87. Al-Hasan Bin Mohammed al-Qummi

He narrated on the authority of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him, and al-Khabïri reported on

his authority.

88. Al-Hasan Bin Mohammed

al-Nawfali, al-Hashimi. He narrated on the authority of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him.

89. Al-Hasan Bin al-Nadr al-Armani

He narrated on the authority of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him, and Ahmed b. Mohammed b. Isa

reported on his authority.

90. Al-Hasan Bin Yazïd

Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him.

91. Al-Hasan Bin Yunus

Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him.

92. Al-Hasan al-Taflïsi

Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Rida, peace e on him.

93. Al-Husayn Bin Ibrahïm

b. ImamMusa b. Ja'far, peace be on him. Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions

of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him.

94. Al-Husayn Bin AbuSa'ïd

al-Makari, Abu'Abd Allah. He and his father were two eminent figures of the Waqifa. He went

in to Imam al-Rida, peace be on him, and said to him: "You have opened your door for the

people and sat to give them religious opinions, while your father had never done that." He

(the Imam), peace be on him, said to him: "There is no harm on me from Ha`ru`n (al-

Rashï~d)." Then he said to him:

"May Allah put out the light of your heart and make poverty enter your house. Woe unto you!

Did you not know that Allah revealed to Maryam that there was a prophet in her womb?

Accordingly, Maryam gave birth to Isa, peace be on him, so Maryam belonged to Isa, and Isa

belonged to Maryam. As for me, I belong to my father and my father belong to me." He (al-

Husayn b. AbuSa'ïd) said (to the Imam):

"I want to ask you a question." "I do not think that you will hear from me," explained the

Imam, "however, question (me)." He said: "A man was near to death, and he said: 'Whomever I

possessed in the past is free, and whomever I possess at present is not free."

"Have you not recited this verse: For the moon we have appointed stages until it becomes

again like an old dry branch of palm tree ('urjun)? Whomever the man possessed before the

six moths was old, and whomever he possessed after the six months was not old." Then he left

the Imam, peace be on him. Shortly after that, poverty and affliction befell him.

95. Al-Husayn Bin Bashshar al-Wasiti

He was Ziyad's retainer. He is a trustworthy and correct (traditionalist). He narrated on

the authority of Imam Abual-HasanMusa (al-Ka`zim), peace be on him, and reported on the

authority of Imam Abual-Hasan al-Rida`, peace be on him.

When Imam (Musa) al-Kazim died, he (al-Husayn b. Bashshar) went out to Imam al-Rida. He did

not think that Imam al-Kazim would die nor did he acknowledge the Imamate of al-Rida. He

intended to ask him (Imam al-Rida). When he reached the Imam, who was at al-Sawi, he asked

for permission and went in.

The Imam welcomed him, brought him near to him, and then he said

to him: "Husayn, if you want Allah to look at you without any veil and you look at Allah

without any veil, then show friendship toward the Household of Mohammed, may Allah bless him

and his family, and him who undertakes the affairs (of the Muslims) from among them." Al-

Husayn hurried to say: "Will I look at Allah, the Great and Almighty?"
"Yes, by Allah," he, peace be on him, replied.

After that al-Husayn was sure that Imam al-Ka`zim died, and Imam al-Rida was the Imam after

The Imam, peace be on him, turned to him and said: "I did not want to permit you (to come

in), for the affair is critical¾that is because of the observation imposed on him by the

'Abba`sid authority. However, I have known your affair (i.e. that you belong to the

The Imam added, saying: "Did you know your affair well?"
"Yes," al-Husayn replied.

96. Al-Husayn Bin Bashïr

He narrated on the authority of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him, and Ahmed b. Mohammed

reported on his authority.

97. AL-Husayn Bin al-Jahm

Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him. 1

Imam, professor al-Khu'i said: "It is possible that his name has been changed, for his

correct name is al-Hasan. His biography has already been mentioned in al-Hasan Bin al-Jahm

al-Razi. "

98. Al-Husayn Bin Khalid al-Sayrafi

Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him.3 Al-

Saduq narrated on the authority of Safwan b. Yahya, who said: "I was with al-Rida, peace be

on him, when al-Husayn b. Khalid al-Sayrafi came in to him and said to him: 'May I be your

ransom, I want to go out to al-A'wad.' He (the Imam), peace be on him, said: 'Cling to well

-being wherever you find it.' He (al-Husayn) was not satisfied with that. He went out and

headed for al-A'wad. However, he was attacked and all his money was robbed on a highway.4"

99. Al-Husayn Bin Ziyad

Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the narrators of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him, and

added that he had the Book of al-Rida`, peace be on him.

100. Al-Husayn Bin Sa'ïd

b. Hammad b. Mahran al-Ahwazi. He was one of the retainers of Imam 'Ali b. al-Husayn, peace

be on him. He is trustworthy. He narrated on the authority of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him,

AbuJa'far, the Second, and Abual-Hasan, the Third, peace be on them. He was originally from

Kufa. Then he and his brother al-Hasan moved to al-Ahwaz. Then he moved to the Holy (City)

of Qum. He stopped at (the House of) al-Hasan b. Aba`n and died in Qum.

He has thirty books. They are as follows:

1. Kitab al-Wudu' (the Book of Ablution).
2. Kitab al- Salat (the Book of Prayer).
3. Kitab al- Zakat(the Book of Alms).
4. Kitab al-Sawm (the Book of Fasting).
5. Kitab al-Hajj (the Book of Hajj).
6. Kitab al-Nikah (the Book of Marriage).
7. Kitab al-Talaq (the Book of Divorce).
8. Kitab al-Wasaya (the Book of Wills).
9. Kitab al-Fara'id (the Book of Religious Duties).
10. Kitab al-Tijarat (the Book of Trades).
11. Kitab al-IJarat (the Book of Rents).
12. Kitab al-Shahadat (the Book of Testimonies).
13. Kitab al-Ayman (the Book of Oaths).
14. Kitab al-Nudhur wa al-Kaffarat (the Book of Vows and Expiatory Gifts).
15. Kitab al-Ashriba (the Book of Drinks).
16. Kitab al-Makasib (the Book of Gains).
17. Kitab al-Taqiya (the Book of Precautionary Dissimulation).
18. Kitab al-Khumus (the Book of One-Fifth).
19. Kitab al-Muruwa wa al-Tajjmïl (the Book of Manhood and Beautifying).
20. Kitab al-Sayd wa al-Dhaba'ih (the Book of Hunting and Slaughtering).
21. Kitab al-Manaqib (the Book of Excellences)
22. Kitab al-Mathalib (the Book of Defects).
23. Kitab al-Tafsïr (the Book of Interpretation).
24. Kitab al-Mu'min (the Book of Believer).
25. Kitab al-Malahim (the Book of Bloody Fights).
26. Kitab al-Mazar (the Book of Visitations).
27. Kitab al-Du'a' (the Book of Supplication).
28. Kitab al-Radd 'Ala al-Ghaliya (the Book of the Answers to the Extremists).
29. Kitab al-'Ittq (the Book of the Emancipation of Slaves).
30. Kitab al-Taddbïr (the Book of Management)

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