
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

(iii) Sajdah: Daily Reminder of the Purpose of Life

(iii) Sajdah: Daily Reminder of the Purpose of Life

 Sajdah is the last part in each cycle of salāt; it is the part where you prostrate in such a way that your forehead, both palms, both knees and the big toes of both feet are touching the ground. Sajdah is to be done twice in each cycle: one should go into the first sajdah, then sit upright for a moment, and then go into the second sajdah.

 Imam ‘Ali bin Abi Tālib (a.s.) was once asked why we have two sajdahs in each cycle of salāt. The reply that the Imam gave shows that sajdah (like many other parts of the ritual prayer) has a symbolic meaning also. He said,

 “While you are in the first sajdah, you are saying [to God] `From it [the earth] You have created me.'

While  getting up from the first sajdah, you are saying `From it You have taken me out.'

When you go into the second sajdah, you are saying `To it You will return me.'

While getting up from the second sajdah, you are saying, `From it You will take me out again.'”

In this hadith, the holy Imam has actually applied the following verse to the sajdah: “From it We have created you, and to it We shall return you, and from it We shall take you out again.” (20:55)

 If you study this hadith carefully, you will realize that:

1.  You have been created from the earth. Remembering your origin will not allow you to be arrogant and proud on the basis of race or wealth.
2. Getting up from the first sajdah is like our birth, going down into the second sajdah is like death and getting up from the second sajdah is like resurrection. This symbolic meaning will never let us forget the day of judgment and the life hereafter.
3. It also shows that this worldly life is symbolically nothing more than a few moments that you sit between the two sajdahs. 

 This insight into the philosophy of sajdah will surely transform your salāt from a mere ritual to a practicalreminder about your origin, the transient nature of this world and your ultimate destination in the hereafter.

 * * *

 What you have read above are just three examples from the rules related to salāt which help the Muslims in focusing on the purpose of life and strengthening themselves spiritually. We thank Allah, subhanahu wa ta`ala, for providing such means of spiritual training in the daily rituals of an Islamic life.

 This lesson has been written by Sayyid M. Rizvi.

Some sections have been summarized from his The Ritual & Spiritual Purity.

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